Chapter 36

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3rd person's pov

Fabio and Emilio are in the front seat while Killian and Lucas are at the back loading bullets into their guns.

Killian sighs loudly without realizing it and this causes Lucas to say,
“Kill can you stop sighing so loudly, you were the one who said she'll be fine. Stop thinking so loud, you're making me tense we still have our part to play”
“And you listened when I said she'd be fine now look. We've been loading the same fucking guns for the past 20 minutes”
“Why don't you guys just focus on one thing. Killing. I heard it's what you're best at Killian.”
Lucas laughs at Fabio's statement remembering their first kill
“You remember our first official kill” Killian chuckles
“How could I forget we were so fucking terrified. I remember Reli's face when we came back covered in blood”
“Less stressful days”

The two boys laugh about it as though they did not commit a huge crime and that is what Emilio was thinking when he said, “Y'all are weird”
“You're no saint either” Fabio says to his son
“Neither of us are”
“We're here”
All the laughter and jokes stop as they look up at Arlo's large mansion.

“Alright, Lucas and Emilio, you take the west wing. Killian and I will take the east wing. We meet at the south and move north. If anyone of us is compromised, we meet here and if you see Arlo don't hesitate to kill him. Clear?” Fabio asks as he goes over the plan
“Crystal” The boys say in unison

Fabio and Killian go to the East wing. The only reason Fabio chose to go with Killian is because he does not trust him and Killian knew this. He did not care though, he was not here for him. They start walking very stealthily through the west wing passage, checking all the rooms.
“No sign of Arlo in the East”
“Same in the West” Emilio says in his ear piece as they all make their way to the South.
Killian and Fabio found Lucas and Emilio already checking all the doors. “The West wing was the maid quarters”
“East was the Guest rooms”

They move around the whole house but there is no sign of Arlo or Carlos. Frustrated, they start leaving but not before they hear Arlo's voice.
“Leaving so soon? I guess you didn't find what you were looking for” He says mockingly
“Ahh, I see that only the four of you are here while your wife and children destroy my empire”
This causes a smirk to emerge on Fabio's face as he realizes that they suceeded.
“We're sorry Arlo, we'll build you a new one ” Lucas says mockingly.
“Yes you will” Says a voice Killian and Lucas know all too well. Carlos. This proved that Carlos isn't dead, he just gave his position to his brother all because of his condition. He looked old but they were sure he still had some fight left in him.
“You boys must've missed me, judging from the looks on your face”
“You mean our happy faces, we'll get to kill you ourselves this time” Killian says with a grin
“Where's my favorite girl?”
“You mention my daughter again and I'll kill you” Fabio says, protective of his only daughter.
“She yours if you raised her and you didn't, I did. Don't feel bad Don, it's only the truth”
Fabio moves in closer but the guards are all there waiting to shoot if they so much as scratch their nose.
“It didn't have to come to this. Just give me what I want” Arlo says. He takes the silence as a response and he and Carlos walk away leaving the guards to finish them off.

They all use their weapons and fighting skills against the guards and once they got an opening. Killian and Lucas run after Carlos and Arlo. Killian takes on Arlo while Lucas goes for Carlos. The air was thick and it was filled with raw emotion and a desire to end the Hernandez brothers.  They circled each other warily, each looking for an opening.  Then one of the men lunged forward, and the brawl began. Punches were thrown, kicks were landed, and the fight was on. It was hard to tell who was winning, but it was clear that neither side was willing to give up. The intensity of the fight was palpable, and it was only a matter of time before someone was going to fall.

Fabio came in with his gun pointed at Carlos from behind. Arlo sees this and quickly slams Killian through his glass eating table. He slowly moves closer to Fabio, and fires the gun, only for the very badly bruised Killian to push Fabio out of the way. Getting shot but not before he fires two bullets to Arlo's head.

Carlos releases a loud cry lunging at Lucas with a dagger. Lucas uses Carlos own dagger against him making sure that it goes deep into the evil man's heart. “I'll meet you in hell” says Lucas in a cold voice.
He runs to his best friends side who seems to be coughing out blood.
“This is not how I... *cough* thought *cough* I'd die ” Killian says trying to laugh. Lucas was too worried to give a remark.
“Shut up. We need to get him to a hospital NOW! AND YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR FUCKING EYES OPEN”

They get to the hospital and Killian is taken to the ER. He was constantly falling unconscious on the way to the hospital. It's been hours since Killian was taken into the ER. His mother, Koroleva and the others were all at the hospital except for the one's who went to the Island.

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