Prolouge part 2

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"Dad, what do you mean I have to date Max Verstappen? We haven't spoken in YEARS," Maja stated at her father.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry, Maj, but you have to," Jaan van Beek pleaded taking his daughter's hands.

"But why? Please tell me," Maja begged.

Jaan took a deep breath. His hands were shaking.
"Years ago, I was desperate for money. It was when your mother was in the hospital just after Rayan's funeral. I-I borrowed money from the van der Vuurst."

Mama's face paled. Everyone knew that the van der Vuurst made their money from drug trafficking and their ties to the mafia in Sicily. Everyone knew it, but there was never any proof that the government could use to arrest them. She couldn't imagine why her father would do something so dangerous and reckless.

"Dad," she whispered.

"I was desperate, and I had no other choice. It got bad. I couldn't pay them back. They were going to come for us. Jos Verstappen helped pay off my debts. He said I owed him a favour. I figured one day he would want his money back. But then years, literally a decade went by, and I thought Jos had forgotten about it. I never expected him to demand that you help clean up Max's reputation. Please, schatje."

Maja closed her eyes with a sigh. She took a deep breath. She knew that she couldn't turn this down without putting her parents in jeopardy. Jos Verstappen was not a man to be crossed. She nodded slowly.

"Okay. When do I start?"

"We have a contract signing in two days in Monaco. And then you're expected to be at the races."

"Monaco?! I have rehearsals, Dad!"

"I'm sorry," Jaan whispered.

Maja's fingers flew to her temples. She silently swore. She knew that her artistic director, Ted Brandsen, would not be happy to have her gone for a week. Maja didn't know how she would explain it to Ted, but she had to figure it out.

"Okay. I'll be there."

"Thank you so much, schatje. I love you. And I owe you."

Maja nodded slowly, "I'll see you in Monaco."

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