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(𝕃𝕒 𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕖)

Taewon:“thank you thank you thank you...     i own you my life, i was scared out there”

After a whole tiring jog away to a safe street, the elder just couldn't stop thanking the younger of how glad he is to be saved by him.

"No problem, your lucky I was passing by"

Taewon:“what's your name? And from who did you learn those moves from?”

The CEO was curious about the new guy's impressive fighting skills so he couldn't but asked his curiosity out.

"My name is lee know and I used to be in this gang where their second in command was my monitor who thought me everything"

Minho just said about his past gang life with BTS gang in the past years and of course not mentioning SKZ because this is was his mission. Getting closer to Taewon.

Taewon:“a gang...can I ask what the gang's name?”

The CEO have his doubts with all the SKZ gang topic that been going around him, he just had his insecurities.

Minho:“the gang is called Bangtan, it was disband 3 months ago”

But obviously, SKZ wasn't the only gang in this whole city.

Taewon:“and are you in a current one right now?”

Minho just shook his head at that.

Minho:“no...i am jobless and I need money”

Taewon:“how about you work for me as a bodyguard”

Bingo! That was what Minho wanted from all this show he played along with his old fellah mates from past gangs.

Minho:“i don't know...i don't think that would suit me”

He answered in a smart way where it could push Taewon to give him a more bigger offer.

Taewon:“I'll pay you the double you were getting in your last job”

Taewon couldn't let a very talented yet professional fighter slips from his hands so he got to have Minho in his fist at any cost.

Minho:“you'll be able to give me ### dollars a month? for just being your bodyguard?”

Minho says double the price he was getting in his last job pay and that was a lot of money to be counted by cash.

Taewon(nodding):“yes because that won't be difficult... i own a company so I have the money”

Minho:“sure thing, then... where do I start from?”

Taewon:“how about next Monday, give me your phone number so I'll be able to contact you”

Both then shared phone numbers and parts ways after that.






Minho:“you did a pretty good job boys...sorry for the kicking and punching you”

He gathered with his friends who helped him with his little show in front of Taewon, all of them are in the bar having drinks.

"No worries minho-shii it wouldn't be believable if you didn't actually hit us"

Minho still feel bad though.

Jiwon:“you slapping that knife away from my hand got me out of surprise, you're fast and I can't read what's on your mind and that makes you join that mighty Mafia gang”

That got him to chuckle. he is indeed like that and you can't expect something for him as he also hard to read. 

"By the way, I heard from jiwon-hyung-nim that you joined a gang recently"

Minho(nodding):“yeah that's true, it's called SKZ and it feels like home there just like how I felt at Bangtan”

Jiwon:“SKZ? I never heard of that gang before...is it lowkey underrated? And what the name "SKZ" means?”

Minho just shrugged his shoulders, even him doesn't know what SKZ stands for. he's start getting curious... Maybe he will ask Chan when he gets home later.

Minho:“about that blue sport car...it would be nice if i give it back to it owner, it would help me a lot to gain his trust for my mission”

Jinwoo:“yeah, we had it parked in front of the bar, you can take it with you, we've got more beautiful sport cars than that one”

Minho thanked him and all of them went back to their drinks.

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