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Warnings for swearing, violence, character bashing (Zeus & Athena)

A lot of the noble families from the wizarding world were skeptical of the Greek gods and the demigods. They were having a hard time believing that they even existed, despite the fact that their magic is proof of Hecate's influence. The gods clearly had auras of power so they wisely chose to keep quiet about their disbelief. Dumbledore felt uneasy at the idea of his years of planning going to waste if the movies revealed too much.

Majority of the students at Hogwarts were curious about Rhea and Andromeda's lives. They usually kept to themselves and spoke mostly to their friend group. Very little is truly known about Rhea, other than the fact that Andromeda Potter was the Girl-Who-Lived and was raised by the Dursleys. Her close connection to Rhea Jackson prior to attending Hogwarts was a mystery.

Although Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Theodore Nott, and the Weasley twins knew that the two girls were somehow related, possibly through the Evans family, it was Luna Lovegood who connected the dots and realized that they were half-sisters from their father's side. As a descendant of Apollo, she was able to see certain events of the future no one else in Hogwarts could. When Apollo noticed the blonde girl, his eyes widened in recognition. 

The demigods on the other hand were calm and collected, but their eyes betrayed their restlessness. The idea of having to sit for so long was making their ADHD act up, however being able to see the sea god's daughters' Hogwarts years peaked their interest. Annabeth is particular couldn't help but feel jealous. She has always envied their close sisterly bond, their loving mother, and their protective father. From a young age, she desired to feel loved and accepted by Athena, which could only be done by proving herself worthy. It was completely different from Poseidon's unconditional love, and it only made her feel much more despair.

The movie started with 12 year old Rhea Jackson and Andromeda Potter, along with a fearful Grover Underwood on the screen. The three children were currently being driven by Chiron (who somehow managed in wheelchair form) in their mother's car.

The sisters met Grover through their mother's bakery. In the summers, they would often help Sally Jackson out in her new business, which soon became very successful, hiring new workers so that Sally can earn an income and can begin writing her novel. The sweet scent of her pastries often covered their strong demigod scent. Grover who was first entranced by the scent visited the bakery only to discover two powerful demigods. He had quickly informed Chiron (who went by Mr. Brunner), and they both created a fake resume to apply for a position at the bakery.  

"Grover? Baking? Impossible." Clarisse snorted, and the other demigods nodded in agreement. "He couldn't boil an egg if he tried!" Dionysus laughed.

"I'm a vegan!"

"You eat aluminum cans."

"I think he would prefer to make enchiladas rather than cakes." Thalia teased, making Grover blush in embarrassment. 

"Your mother is brilliant." Aphrodite was impressed with Sally Jackson. Her and Poseidon's determination to hide their daughters' existences was unbelievable. Not only were they the children of a big three god, but being descendants would have only enhanced their scent. Yet they managed to hide them from the rest of the Olympians for over twelve years.

The sisters smiled at the love goddess' compliment toward their mother.

"I wish she were here right now." Amphitrite mumbled under her breath, and Poseidon and his daughters agreed. Hera heard her and looked at her bewildered.

"What?? You're not worried about a mortal stealing your husband?!" Hera shrieked.

Amphitrite looked confused. "What do you mean her stealing MY husband? If anything, Poseidon should be worried that I'm going to steal HER from HIM."

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