Chapter 19

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Ethan strode past the secretary, dismissing her as his mind focused on one single purpose.

Find Erin Gosling.

Damn! He should have seen that one coming. The minute that evil gleam had entered her eyes, that should have given him fair warning on what the little minx was up to.

But no, he'd fooled himself into thinking he could control the situation and Erin had one-upped him - again.

Ethan had to hand it to her though, it had taken a lot of guts and will for Erin to walk away. There had been no mistaking the sexual need that emanated from every pore when she'd looked at him before walking away. She still wanted him but he had to admire her strong will... Not that it served as any excuse to leave him hanging the way she had.

A picture of Erin spread over his knees while he spanked her silly flashed through Ethan’s mind. God, but in this frame of mind, he believed himself more than capable of actually doing that to her…might teach the witch a lesson or two and it would certainly give him immeasurable satisfaction…not to mention intense pleasure…to watch her squirm until she actually begged for mercy.

Despite his anger, an evil smile crossed his face as he stepped into the hallway, and past the empty secretary’s desk. His gaze travelled the length of the room, coming to rest on a doorway at the other end marked ‘private’.

The office door opened behind him and the secretary hurried out, giving him a worried look. Ethan ignored her again and made for the door, his quick determined strides covering up the distance in a few paces.

“E..excuse me sir,” Heather’s voice came from behind, her footsteps indicating that she was right behind him. “You can’t go through there...”


A wry smile curved Ethan’s lips at those words. So his hunch had been right after all.

“Is that so?” he muttered under his breath, not breaking stride even as he yanked the door open and walked into yet another hallway. At the end of the short hall, sure enough, was the elevator he knew was right there.

Erin might be a crazy woman, but Ethan could swear there was no amount of madness that would induce her to walk out of her office barely dressed, skin flushed, mouth still swollen from his kisses if she wasn’t sure of total privacy.

The way Erin had probably figured, it would take him a while to get dressed again and chase after her – but the little minx had underestimated him as usual.

“Sir!” Heather broke into his thoughts yet again, her voice indicating she was right at his heels in pursuit. “You can’t go through there, that’s a private lift – for employees only and besides, you’ll need a pass to get it to work…..”

Ethan stopped abruptly, causing the poor woman to crash into him. His arm shot out to steady her before she toppled onto her ass.

Heather gasped, the dual shock of having the breath knocked out of her and Ethan's grasp on her arm flustering her beyond reason. Her once perfectly coiffed hair had been knocked loose at the impact, sending strands all over her face. Shaking her head in an attempt to get the hair from her eyes, she looked up at the man holding her steady and promptly lost her ability to breathe - again - whatever protest she'd been about to utter completely forgotten under that ice blue scrutiny.

Lord, but Erin must be real crazy to piss off such a man. That thought ran through her mind as she met his furious gaze, mouth a tight line of displeasure as he scowled down at her.

"You have a key card for it, don't you?" Ethan's words were less than a question and more like an affirmation of what he already knew.

His eyes glittered in determination, a lock of hair fell over his eye, giving him a dangerous aura, an air that warned Heather that lying or trying to stop him from going up there was not an option.

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