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                     ✿ [Y/N] POV

"Lose it all?" I repeat my mothers words, not believing what I was hearing. I had known our situation was bad, but I always assumed my father was beginning to fix it. It seems I was wrong.

"But how..why? I thought we were getting better." My voice is shaky and confused as my mother stands up again, I'm sure my face is showing how confused I am as she speaks.

"Because our property's business has been worsening more and more as time goes on, getting more complicated." She tells me sadly, she walks by my bed and stands in front of me, eyeing with me a look I cannot seem to comprehend.

"We're without animals, the soil isn't producing and the situation has gotten so muhc more worse that we've had to sell some of our land." She tells me almost desperately and I look up at her in shock. I was so sure we had gotten better.

My mother shakes her head as she speaks sadly, "We don't have anything [Y/N]."

I stand up and walk towards her as I speak, "But I haven't noticed mother, I thought we had gotten better."

"I know, what's happening is that your always distracted, my blessing from heaven." She calls me a loving nickname as my eyes start to swell with hot tears.

"And above it all your father prohibited me from telling you anything about this."

    I sigh in frustration and look around the room with annoyance and slight anger before turning back to look at her, "But why? I'm not a child anymore, it's not fair for me to know anything about this."

    My mother nods her head understandingly, "You know how much your father loves you, he's capable of doing anything to make you don't worry."

      I give her a worried look before turning back towards the large glass paned window in my room. "What can I do to help us mama?"

      I use a name I hadn't called my mother since I was 14 as I talk to her, feeling genuinely sorry and guilty for not having found out and thinking everything was fine.

    I can hear my mother walking towards me once again and I turn around to face her, my hair flipping as I do so.

"You already know princess." She walks closer to me, "Your father has always given you everything," I nod my head as she speaks and brings a hand up to my hair, gently stroking it.

"And now my love, it's your time to respond."

     It suddenly hits me what she's implying and I feel anger spike up in me, she wants me to marry Phillip when she knows I'm in love with Tewkesbury.

"No." I tell her firmly, shaking my head in disbelief, "No no no, don't ask me to marry Phillip because I will not get married for money! And either way it's something my father would never accept."

    I raise my voice as I walk around her and to my bed before turning around to look at her again, "And you know what, I'm going to tell him." I go to walk out of my room and my mother is quick to stop me, her bony fingers grabbing onto my wrists.

"Where are you going?" She almost spits at me, her true intentions coming out and I almost feel my heart break as I realize this is what she had planned the entire time.

"I'm going to ask my father if this is truly what he wants because that is the only way I will ever do something like that!" I spill my words out as she forces me to sit down on the bench in front of my royal bed.

"Your not going anywhere." She hisses, pointing her finger at me as I stare up at her with disbelief and sadness.

"You know how stressed your father has been with the situation with money. You know he has been on the brink of illness." She tells me and I bring my hand up to my forehead as I speak.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now