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-Harrys POV-

I was walking with Gil towards our lockers. I stopped when I saw that h/c hair and pirate like style I know all too well. Gil kept walking not noticing me stop. I squinted a little and saw she was talking to a boy. he had light brown hair and brownie green eyes. I noticed him as Prince Han's son, aka Finn. His dad kind of almost the whole of Arendale for Anna and Elsa. I've briefly seen him around the isle before, but I heard we was the flirt and up to no good half the time.  Y/n was laughing as he was talking. Before Finn walked away, I saw him place his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it. My blood boiled watching him.  I followed him down one of the quiet halls and threw him up against the wall.

"And what do you think you're doing" I say holding him against the wall, the pointy bit of the hook up against his throat.

He let out a low sinister chuckle "Walking the halls" he sassed.

"You know what I mean" I threaten.

"Give in Harry do you really think, a pirate Queen actually loves a dirty throw away pirate, I mean that's what your dad did right? Throw you away... I'll get y/n just you watch" He smirks as I was about to dig my hook into is throat when I heard a few students walking into the hall.

I looked at Finn one more time before letting him go and strutting away angerly. I rushed into my dorm all the things Finn said played in my head. He's right why would y/n like a throw away like me. I clutch my hair a bit pacing back and forth breathing heavily. 

-A few days, still Harry's POV-

I walked out of my class walking out to the lockers. I haven't talked to y/n since the incident two days ago. Every time I would see I'd walk the other way. As I walked down the hall, I saw Finn with y/n again. she was looking in her locker, Finn leaned on another locker talking. He looked up and saw me a devilish smile growing on his face. His eyes drifted down and scanned y/n's body her head still in the locker as she scavenged for something. He licked his lips looking back up at me. I lost it, I rushed towards him pushing him away. 

-Your POV- 

"So, we can hang out later today?" Finn asked while I was looking in my locker.

"Mhm, can do" I reply. I don't see why not Harry hasn't hangout with me in two days every time I see him, he walks the other way.

"Great what-" Finn began but was cut off I look up to see harry pushing him.

I slam my locker shut and look at the scene unfold in front of me. Finn regained himself and swung at harry punching him in the face then kicking him in the gut. Harry quickly got up lashing his hook at Finn cutting his cheek. Harry grabbed him and punched him over and over again. I yelled at the two to stop as a crowd started to form. Finn spoke up:

"Come on you throw away! you're already disappointing your father, do better." 

I saw Harrys eyes mix with anger and sadness. He was fuming at this point. Harry was about to swing until fair god mother came in and stopped the fight sending harry to his dorm. She told me to take Finn to the sick bay. I nod walking Finn to the sick bay and apologizing.  

"I'm so sorry I don't know why harry attacked you, but I need to go check on him" I say.

"it's ok" he says with a smile grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I looked at his hand but then pulled my hand away walking off to harry dorm.

I make it and open the door to see Harry pacing and fuming.

"What was that?" I say angrily but calmly making harry look up.

"What was that? what was that with Finn! you've been very close with him lately" Harry snaps?

"So? you're the one avoiding me, it's like you don't want me anymore or something!" I yell back. This makes harry stop and fully face me.

"Of course, I do! y/n, of course I still want to be with you! but I'm just not good enough for you for goodness' sake! I-I'm a throw away, I never made my dad proud I-" harry cried as tears rolled down his eyes. This was the first time I saw him really cry; I mean yeah, I've seen a few tears prick his eyes, but these just kept coming.

"Harry..." I say feeling bad, but I was cut off by him.

"Please, y/n, just leave" he says turning away.

I hold back tears as I leave and run down into my dorm, lucky for me Uma wasn't here. I just broke down onto my bed. What have I done. I slowly drift off crying myself to sleep.


I wake up in Harrys room, but it seemed eerie and creepy. The sound of silent sobs came from the coach. I made my way over and around the couch and see a crying harry. He slowly looked up at me I wanted to go hug him, but I couldn't move. Someone opened the door and walked in. It was the old harry, before he became good. He came around and started saying things to harry.


"Throw away"


"You got worse and worse."

Tears pricked my eyes as harry buried his head into his hands sobbing telling them to shut up. Someone else came in it was his dad hook. He grabbed Harry's face and slapped it. He grabbed harry by the arm and dragged him out of the room while he cried out for help. I just stood there crying not being able to do anything.

~end of dream~

I wake up with a sudden jolt, the room was dark and quiet. I hear Umas quiet snoring. my half-closed eyes glazed up to the alarm clock it was 2am. I quietly drifted back to sleep with a few tears rolling down my face.

-Harrys POV-

I wake up from my horrible trying to shake the memories and vision of old me and my father. As I try go back to sleep, I hear my door creek open. At first, I thought it was y/n but since she's the only one with a key to my dorm. But then I heard people whispering. I quietly grab my hook on the table next to me and switch on the lap pointing my hook at whoever it was. my eyes a just to see Finn, not taking note of his older brother Tom.

"Finn what are you doing here" I ask confused standing up walking towards him.

"Well, I though, since I can't get y/n with you around I'll just have to get rid of you." He said with a smirk "Say goodnight harry" he says. 

I felt the sharp pain of something hitting me in the head and it all went dark.


My vision slowly came back as I took in my surroundings, it was dark and dusty. Almost like a basement. I tried to stand but I was chained down and had a piece of fabric in my mouth stopping any sound I made. My vision started to go blurry as I could see Finn and Tom standing and talking. Y/n please help me. then it all went black.


Thats the end of the chapter, sorry it went a bit dark lol. But stay hooked to find out what happens next.   

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