Thirty-Two: Operation Jailbreak

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Tatum listened with glossy eyes as Brady finished explaining what happened. His voice got shakier with every word he spoke. She was doing her best to stay composed as it unraveled more and more. The things he had been through... she couldn't wrap her head around it all. Hearing the things Brady had to do made her feel sick. Everything suddenly made sense: why he tried to run Tatum off, why he pushed Kinsley away, why he pushed himself so hard. She understood him. For the first time, she really felt like she understood him.

It was a strange realization that Tatum thought she would likely end up the same way if she was faced with those situations. Her mind would probably lead herself down the same road his did. She often found herself blinded by a situation, unable to see any way out. That was what happened to Brady. He felt trapped with no end in sight. He tried to take control of a situation that was destined to have no good outcome. Tatum understood the decisions he made, no matter how horrible they made her feel... she understood him.

They were two sides of the same coin.

But then Tatum noticed that Brady couldn't meet her eyes. It struck her that Brady was worried about her reaction.

Did he think she would leave?

Tatum wasn't the best with words.

But she could act.

Tatum placed her hand on the back of his neck, bringing his head forward as she pressed her forward against his. She shut her eyes and heard him let out a shuddering breath. His eyes shut with hers as he tried to match her breaths. She gently ran her fingers through his hair, doing her best to soothe him.

He had to know that she wouldn't leave him.

Brady's life had been filled with darkness. He had to learn to survive with that darkness. To make peace with it. He had to accept it as part of himself. Tatum could do that. She could stay in the darkness with him until he was ready to come into the light and see life for more than what he was given. She could show him daylight. She could show him so much more than the life he had seen. But until he was ready, she could live in the darkness with him.

"We're gonna fix this," Tatum swore to him in a low voice and she felt Brady sag into her, like he needed to hear those words. "Everything is going to be fine, okay?"

"Okay," he repeated weakly, not opening his eyes.

Tatum laid her hand on the side of his face, rubbing her thumb against his skin comfortingly. His eyes finally opened, glazed with tears. She swallowed thickly before saying, "I'm- I'm so sorry... that you had to go through that alone."

Brady leaned into her touch. His lips twitched as he said, "Well, not fully alone. Had this girl that was kinda relentless in making sure I got better."

"Oh yeah?" Tatum quipped gently. "Sounds like a real pain in the ass."

"No, I love her actually," Brady said in a soft voice. Tatum felt her heart soar. After a beat, he said, "But she is a pain in the ass."

Tatum scoffed, swatting at his shoulder. "Way to ruin it. I love you, too."

Brady chuckled, sighing out heavily. He leaned forward again and Tatum placed her hand on his shoulder, rubbing it affectionately. He looked back at her over his shoulder, saying, "I don't know how to fix this."

"Don't worry about that," Tatum told him. "I'll handle it."

"Tatum, I know you like to do the impossible, but this is... something else entirely," Brady said as he shook his head.

Tatum twisted her lips in thought as she took a moment to think it through. How hard could this really be? It wasn't as if they had any evidence, obviously. If they did, Brady would be the one at the center of it. She had to be careful to keep focus off of Brady's involvement along with any possible motive that he could have had to do it himself. Honestly, she wasn't sure what the legalities were with Brady having done it himself. It technically derailed an investigation. But if she could keep the focus off of him entirely... that could work.

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