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Taehyung comes into Jeon mansion after bidding farewell to his grandmother, which was most hurtful thing for him, he cried for a long time while holding his grandmother as he is going to miss her so much.

Taehyung's grandmother also get emotional, but with a big smile and lots of best blessings, she bid bye to taehyung. She even ensure taehyung that, if he didn't find happiness in this marriage, he can return back to her, she never mind about society's bad mouthing about taehyung, because only she is aware about the sacrifice that taehyung did in this marriage. So, she never going to judge taehyung on the basis of society words, she love her grandson, and always do, and ready to accept him in any condition and any time.

Jeon family and taehyung passed their long journey towards mansion in a serious silence as no one have words to describe whatever happened in aisle. They just wait to return home, so that they can talk about everything in detailed.

After reaching home, taehyung is held by Mrs. Jeon, who guide him inside mansion and give him seat on couch. Jungkook and Mr. Jeon also take their seat infront of taehyung.

When time get passed, taehyung get to know how his soon-to-be husband not shown up in marriage even after receiving letter of marriage proposal as Mr. Jeon get informed from the staff of yoongi's company, whom he give Letter to give it to yoongi, that he already give letter to yoongi, but staff forget to inform mr.jeon that the letter originally received by yoongi's makeup artist or can say his boyfriend, because he thought jimin surely inform yoongi about letter.

Taehyung also get to know, how his uncle provoke Jeon couple to married him with younger brother of yoongi instead of yoongi, by giving name of family reputation, but the real reason only known by him, that his uncle only see him as a source of money and nothing else, that's why without caring for his happiness, he immediately ready to marry him with someone else.

Though, taehyung exactly don't love yoongi, but in his mind he starts to like yoongi and accept him as his husband. He just want to be yoongi's omega, and want to start a happy life with him. So, it is unacceptable for him to accept someone else as husband, other than yoongi.

Every time Mrs. Jeon being strong and try to explain taehyung their side of taking such step without properly informing him. Taehyung just listen everything without any expression, just his eyes silently shed tears for his pain which he hide deep inside his heart.

" Tae, my baby....... we are going to talk to yoongi and ask him why he did something like this with you " Mrs. Jeon calmly said to taehyung while holding taehyung's both hand in her hand, her eyes are deeply looking into taehyung's glistened eyes.

" NO NEED TO TALK WITH THAT USELESS PERSON. TODAY, HE PROVED THAT WE ARE NOTHING TO HIM, THEN WHY WE CARE FOR HIM. I DON'T WANT ANY OF OUR FAMILY MEMBERS GOING TO TALK ABOUT WHATEVER HAPPENED TODAY DUE TO HIS SELFISHNESS. IF ANYONE TRY TO DO SO, THEN FORGET THAT THE PERSON HAVE ANY RELATION WITH ME ........ " Mr. Jeon growl in his alpha voice. His voice shows his disappointment, which he try to control from a long time. After letting out his inner frustration, Mr. Jeon leaves the hall while fuming in anger, and went towards his room, and closed the door with a loud thud.

Jungkook and Mrs. Jeon wide their eyes on Mr. Jeon's words. It is something unexpected for them. Though, Mr. Jeon get angry many times due to yoongi's decisions, but breaking relationship with him never happened between them. They never try to disobey Mr. Jeon's words, that's why they have to follow mr.jeon's this order as well, it doesn't matter if yoongi is being unaware about everything happened in Jeon family in his absence for his whole life.

Taehyung get scared due to see his father-in-law's anger. Mrs. Jeon embrace taehyung and softly pat his back to calm his scared pheromones.

Jungkook's eyes get glistened by everything happened right now. He is already in guilt of marrying his brother's mate, and now his father's anger towards his brother also get increased due to yoongi's one harsh decision. He really want to know, why his brother not shown up in wedding. But due to his father's strict order, he never able to know about the reason behind his brother's such decision.

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