What used to be called home

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Artemus POV (Rin his wolf)

As usual I woke up to the sun shining in through my window. It stinged my eyes and I covered them. But something felt really, really wrong with my body... It didn't add up. I had never felt like this before, my body was stinging all over and I had this fuzzy and energetic feeling in my bones. But my bones at the same time burnt in pain.

My mother called for me from downstairs, but I heard her clearer than ever before. It didn't make sense. I heard her heartbeat, but only her's so dad was probably out with our jack russell we had at the time. His name was Sammy, I don't think he's alive today. I didn't have time to check, it all happened so fast I still question what really happened.

So let's see how this all played out together and try to figure this out, 'or what do you say Rin?' 'Yeah, yeah... But maybe we can try and go back home please. We're so hungry...' I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes at Rin's comment. 'I know we feel hungry, we share the same stomach. But I do really think we should figure this out...' 'Fine, we can try to figure this out... Only if you'll let me hunt today!' Rin knew I accepted his proposal, or he would have kept talking to me in our head.

I hopped down from my bed, but my entire body screamed for me to lay back down and never get up again. So I didn't bother with changing out of my pajamas or even looking in the mirror. 'I don't think I even looked down, much less thought of how I was moving on four legs... Do you remember Rin?' I can see how Rin rolls his brown eyes at my question, but answers 'You think I'd remember Artemus? That was years ago I've been busy surviving and complaning you know.'

I walked down the stairs and just heard a scream... It was moms scream, I panicked and looked for mom. But when I saw what she was looking at I just got more confused, and panicked more. Why was my mom looking at me like that, that look of pure fear in her eyes said it all. It was then I turned to my left to look in our mirror we had just below the staircase... It was a wolf in the mirror. I was a wolf, a werewolf. I fell into a trance and just stared at my reflection. Was that really me, a wolf with brown grayish fur with a white face, belly and legs. But my eyes were a reflection of my human eyes, that beautiful brown I had gotten so many compliments for. That brown was staring at me through the mirror.

'Then I heard you for the first time Rin!' 'Yeah when mom was about to hit our head with a frying pan...' 'She must have been horrified...'  i said sadly. 'Not like we can find out, Artemus. We can't just waltz home.' I sighed and went back to the accident.

After Rin had yelled in my head to duck, I was even more confused. But I did, I ducked and after that I ran into our living room and hid under the big black couch. I heard mom run upstairs and heard her scream again... But that was no scream of fear, it was a scream of sorrow, pure sorrow. She must have gone to look for me, and I just wanted to run and hug her... Then I felt a crack, one of my bones snapped, then another and another, and another until all of my bones burnt in pain again. I didn't even register that I had been howling in pain, from wolf form to human form. But I had...

So when I crawled out from under the couch, I saw mom standing in front of me. She was so pale... So, so pale. She then kneeled down to where I was laying on the floor in a cold sweat. She took my face in her hands and looked at my eyes with her own pained ones. Then she said what shocked me most that day.

"You need to know the truth before your dad comes home. If not, you might not make it out of this house alive. Do you understand?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes, she was waiting for an answer before she continued. I just nodded, with tears welling up in my own eyes. She smiled back at me and continued. "You need to leave, never come back here again. Do you hear me? NEVER" I just nodded at her, but not understanding why.

"Stay in the forest, don't trust humans anymore, find a pack. I don't care if it's normal wolves or werewolves. But find a pack. That will be your new home alright baby. Listen to the voice in your head. He is your natural instincts, or your wolf as you can also call him. He will know everything you need to survive."

I just looked at her in shock, what... What is she talking about? I have so many questions. I knew I didn't have time to ask her all of them. But I had one question I needed to ask her about. "Why, why can't I just stay here? Why do I need to leave?"

She looked at me again and the tears just flowed down her cheeks, then she sobbed out. "Because your dad will kill you. He's a werewolf hunter" She looked down and sighed saying one last thing one last time. 

"We adopted you when you were just an infant. So we decided to say your birthday was the day we adopted you. Because the orphanage didn't know your actual birthday.  But it seems today is your actual 10th birthday. So... Happy birthday baby." She said and kissed my forehead. I just felt how the tears welled up into my eyes. I then looked up at her and was about to say something to her. But then we heard the door trying to open. Mom panicked and showed me out the back door. In no clothes, at all.

Then I thought back on everything mom had said and tried to register it. Then I ran, ran as fast as I could. My goal was the forest. We lived near a forest that's so big it stretches to multiple states. There in that forest I would find my home, like mom had said I would!

...That was around eight years ago... Soon is my 18th birthday... I don't know how much longer I can wait around for my so-called home...


Authors note:

Hello everybody! This is my first ever story I actully write and publish. English also not my first language, so my computer is not the best at English words so all my words are red as I'm writing this! I also do go to collage right now so i have no clue when I can publish a new chapter!

I do hope you will like my story and my way of writing! And please if you notice something weird do comment and I'll fix it and learn from my misstake!

Thank you and enjoy my story!

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