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"I haven't heard from her in three days"

"See what I tell you about doing nice shit fa them hoes? Now she went with a new nigga and you left over there looking used"

Neem was on the phone with his father explaining what happened between him and Maya. He had no one else to speak to at the moment and he often felt guilty not answering his dad's calls since he was in prison. They were both all each other had left.

"You lucky I'm not out. I would have done her just like ya momma. Ain't no bitches should be using on you"

"See now this is what I don't like. You be cool before you fuck around and say some silly shit like that. That's why you facing 80 years" He knew he was mentally ill and didn't take much he said to heart. It's not like he'd ever be coming out anyway.

"I'm just saying son, you a grown man that's all on you. If you wanna keep getting your heart broken then hell"

"I'm not getting my heart broken I'm just confused"

"Confused about what? Ignoring you for days is directly in your face letting you know she don't want you"

"Alright pops I'll call you later" He hung up and went over to put his shoes on and grabbed the flowers he bought for her yesterday.

He took the elevator down to her apartment. He at least wanted to know what was going on. They didn't end on bad terms so what could be the worst that could happen?

He knocked on her door. He had his hopes high she'd answer. It was around 8:00 pm and usually, she'd be home by now.

But, no answer.

He knocked one more time and sighed pulling out his phone to text her. It delivered just like the other one he sent her a few days ago, but he wasn't confident in a response from her.

Right as he turned to walk away, there she was coming down the hall.

She was on the phone with someone and looked straight at him. Her hair looked freshly done, this time it was just a regular straight wig that went a little past her ass.

"Let me call you back" She mumbled before putting the phone in her pocket.

"Neem what you doing here?" He couldn't tell if she was mad or just shocked.

"To see you" Her eyes looked him up and down and paused.

"You can come in and sit down"

She opened the door and he followed her inside. He sat on the couch and she sat across from him. He set the flowers on the coffee table.

"I don't like when we don't talk..."

"I know I just- needed time for myself" Her eyes couldn't even meet with his.

"That's cool but you had me confused. We went to the movies and everything so I thought we was good"

"A lot happened that night and I needed a break from everyone 'cause I don't know what imma do"

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