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                  "𝐒𝐎 does this mean you can't cheer anymore?" Kam asked, her face scrunched up.

"I can cheer.. I think. I just can't stunt for the rest of the season. Or just until my knee gets better," Anija told her while looking down at her knee brace.

She ended up going to the hospital and figuring out that she sprained her knee. She now had to wear a brace on it; she was glad it wasn't crutches and a boot. She had to walk with crutches before and she hated it. The doctor did suggest it but she declined and said she would be fine limping around.

"You can't cheer, Anija," Kema glanced up from her phone to look at her.

"Yes I can!"

"The doctor said you can't."

"Fuck the doctor! Ima be just fine. I just won't stunt and do toe touches and crazy shit," Anija shrugged. She honestly didn't want to except the fact that she had to sit out for the rest of the season. She loved cheering and she just started back doing it but now she had to stop again; she hated that.

Kema only shook her head, not saying much more. She knew Anija was going to try to cheer but eventually get tired. She could barely stand on her leg for too long. She definitely couldn't do it for 2 hours on the field's sideline.

"Did they apologize to you?" Kam questioned.

"Who? Jasmine and nem?" Anija asked and Kam nodded. "Jasmine and Gia apologized to me. Taylor did not care one bit, she basically admitted to dropping it on purpose."

"She what?!" Kam exclaimed.

"Yeah. Jasmine made a group chat with just us 4 and was telling her to apologize and she was like no. She said she tried her hardest to keep me in the air but her hand slipped and she didn't even have the energy to try and catch me.." Anija explained. "Then she was blaming it on coach and saying she shouldn't have made us stunt anyway."

"That's not excuse.." Kam shook her head, disappointed. "Now coach finna make us run 6 laps and shit. I might skip practice today bro I cannot.."

Their coach had this idea of everyone suffering the consequences of one's person actions because they were a team. If a stunt group dropped their flyer, everyone on the team had to run laps. It didn't even matter if you were there or not. The girls honestly hated the rule and felt it was dumb.

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