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Ch. 8: Before Times

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The week goes faster than the speed of light. It feels good to be productive outside the house again, even though it's only for six months. I still believe that working for a family business, especially your partner's family's business, isn't ideal; it's too risky. At least, I'm just filling a temporary position right now. So, I will enjoy the ride while actively seeking opportunities that fit me.

Despite the plan of my assignment to support Chadrick's first semester in his role as a co-CEO, I barely see him around. It's fair since the first week is still about the field orientation and plenty of traveling to the closest hotels under the Trisure group. Shanna and her people take turns showing me around and introducing me to the key people in each hotel.

"You don't have to mention my connection with Ashton every time you introduce me to people, though," I say to Shanna as we're on our way back from the spa resort on the outskirts of the city. It's my last trip during my orientation week.

Tearing her eyes from her phone screen, she turns her head to me. "It's a procedure. Sort of."


"They should know who they're dealing with."

"But why? Isn't it better to put me in the same box with the rest of you to avoid gaps? I don't mind if they don't treat me like I'm from a royal family."

"It's more to protect them."


"Mrs. Knight is very territorial with her family members. She won't bat her eyelashes in firing an employee who mistreats her family. It happened before and not just once."

I scoff inwardly. Danielle won't care if one of her people is being nasty to me. Since she apologized to me during the car talk last winter, she's been taking a respectful distance from me, but it doesn't mean I'm her pack member now. Not quite.

"How long have you been working for Trisure, Shanna? I know you've been around for a while." I know she's in the middle of texting, but I'm in the mood for being nosy. This car ride and the Friday late afternoon traffic bore me to death, especially with the ballad music from the eighties in the background.

"Over two decades ago. Wait." She types quickly before turning off her screen light. "I started working for Mrs. Knight when Trisure still had one hotel. I was still in college and took the night shift as a receptionist. Sometimes I helped with hotel events on weekends. Once I graduated, Mrs. Knight promoted me to the marketing division. And here I am."

"That is impressive that someone can stay in one company this long." I clear my throat. "And dealing with Danielle is not always easy, I suppose."

She chuckles. "True. She's a hard nut to crack, but once we know how to convince her, she becomes very loyal to us." Shanna's eyes seize me up and down. "You too seem to know how to stay on her good side."

I flinch, thinking how wrong she is. "Me? Why do you say that?"

"All I know is no woman Ashton dated could stand Mrs. Knight if she didn't approve."

"Well, about that. It's the woman's loss to let go of him just because of that. But anyway," I say, trying to shift the topic to the safer area. Shanna feels like a genuine person, but I need to be careful, nonetheless. "Was Danielle easier in the past? It's hard for me to picture the younger version of her."

"She was softer in the past, yes. The main thing that got her started with this business is her passion for Treasure. With Mr. Sauer mentoring her, she was a different person back then. He was the one who toughened her up."

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