|| Introduction ||

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Heya guys ! It's me hehe . So , this is my new book that I've decided to publish. Before we start the story , let me clarify some things first.

1. The story is based and inspired by Chinese novels so please do not be surprised if there are similar scenes in another Chinese apocalypse novels .

2. I accept criticisms but if you are unsatisfied with my story, please do not read this .

3. I may or may not update often because of school and other things I need to do.

3. This story might contain curses and vulgar words so this novel is not suitable for underaged children.

4. Let me tell you that I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL WRITER , so expect some grammatical errors and wrong typos .

5.  This is my first time writing apocalypse novels so this may not reach your expectations.

6. Please tell me in the comment section if you have any questions, I will definitely answer it !

That's all for now guys, bye !

Stay safe everyone!

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