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A/n- it's still flashback and Taehyung's pov

I woke up from my alarm clock and I turned it off. I then got out of bed and did my morning routine. After I finished my breakfast it was already 0900 and I decided to heard off to the location my dad wanted me to meet with him

I arrived at the location and it was a fancy five star restaurant. It looked really pretty ngl

" I'm definitely bringing Jungkook here for his birthday" I said with a little chuckle

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" I'm definitely bringing Jungkook here for his birthday" I said with a little chuckle. I was serious though.

I then went inside the restaurant and I saw the famous model Gim Suhee with both her parents and my parents. I was confused asf.

I then went to them. As I arrived at the table I bowed to show respect. " Good morning" I said catching everyone's attention. " you are late" my father said and I mentally rolled my eyes.

" it's just five minutes father"

" have a seat son" my mother said and I did as she said. I sat on the available seat next to my father. " So the two of you must be wondering why we are here" Mr Gim said and both me and Suhee nodded our head.

" We want the two of you to get married" my father said and I looked at him confusingly. " what?!" Both me and Suhee said at the same time.

" We thought you two should get married" My mother said and I couldn't believe it, well I expeted something about marriage but not this!

I can't marry Suhee. She is pretty and all but my heart belongs to Jungkook.

" Father can I talk to you privately" I said and everyone looked at me. " Okay son let's outside" he said and I stood up from my chair.

I then went outside with my father. I sighed. " uhm father I can't marry Suhee" I said facing down. " Tell me why and I'll reconsider if it makes sense" He said facing me straight in the eyes. How can I tell him that I am gay.

I stayed quite for a few minutes. " you're not gonna say anything? Then I guess you're getting married" he said and started to walk in side the restaurant.

" I- I'm ga- gay" I said and I cursed myself for stammering. " Pardon?" He asked. " I'm not into girls. I like boys" I said facing down, I didn't wanna see his reaction.

I then felt a sharp pain on my cheeks, he slapped me. I looked at him.
" have gone crazy huh Taehyung!" He said and he looked angry. "Father"
" No son of mine is going to be those shit" He shouted. " Who is it who turned you into those things" he said and I looked down. " I-". " It's that Jungkook guy isn't it" He said and I looked up at him not saying anything.

" I knew that guy was a bad influence on you" he said and I couldn't stop my tears. " but I love him" I said and my father looked at me angrily. " Listen here Kim Taehyung, you're gonna go in there and agree to that marriage proposal and you're gonna break up with that guy. YOU HEAR ME!!" He shouted the last part and I flinched. " yes sir" I said in a low voice and we both went inside the the restaurant.

We then went inside and sat back on our seat. I then looked at the time and it was already 10:20 .

" Do you agree on the marriage proposal Taehyung? " Mr Gim said and I silently nodded my head as a yes. " Then it a toast" Mr Gim said. " To marriage" he said raising his glass. " To marriage " everyone in the table said and I was too sad to say that and we made a toast.

Three hours passed and I had to make an excuse to leave this place or else Jungkook will be really disappointed. " uhm I have an appointment I need to go or I'll be late" I lied and my mother smiled at me " you can go now son" she said and I forced a smile and left.

I hurriedly drived han river where me and Jungkook decided to meet. I parked my car and I ran to see Jungkook looking at the view of Han river and he looked really disappointed. I then got next to him and I felt like crying.

" you decided to come" he said and there was sadness in his voice.

End of flashback

" After I left there I cried like there was no tomorrow and I drank alcohol for the first time. I'm really sorry Jungkook I loved you so much and I still love you" Taehyung said and Jungkook was blankly looking at him.

" You broke up with me because your father was homophobic??" Jungkook asked Taehyung who nodded his head. " you love me?" Jungkook asked. " I never stopped loving you Kook" Taehyung said and he caressed Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook stayed quite trying to process the information. Taehyung stood up and looked at him in the eyes. They stayed in that position for a long time until Jungkook crashed his lips into Taehyung's.

Taehyung was shocked at the sudden movement that he almost fell down but Jungkook held him by his waist for him to balance. Taehyung then bit the lower part of Jungkook's lips for permission to enter his mouth and Jungkook gave him permission.

Taehyung then started traveling each and every corner of Jungkook's mouth and Jungkook let out little moans.

It has been 6 years they have long craved each other and this just gives them peace.

Taehyung's hand then started traveling on Jungkook's body. First he putted his hand under neath Jungkook's shirt to touch his hard abs then moved to his waist then down to to Jungkook's ass. Taehyung then squeezed Jungkook ass and Jungkook moaned.

" mmmh..... Tae..mmmh" Jungkook said still kissing Taehyung. Taehyung smirked. " You missed this didn't you" Taehyung said and Jungkook cutely nodded his head as a yes. " ohh my bunny I missed this too" Taehyung said caressing Jungkook's cheeks still kissing him

They then separated their lips for air and Jungkook was hardly breathing like he just ran a merothon. After a few minutes they kissed each other again.

But this time something came to Jungkook's mind. " if his father is homophobic then how come Jin hyung is married to a man" Jungkook thought and he harshly broke the kiss and pushed Taehyung away from him,Taehyung then looked at him confusingly.

" What happened Kook?" Taehyung asked and tried to hold Jungkook's hand but jungkook pushed his hand. " Don't touch me" Jungkook said coldly and Taehyung confusingly looked at him. They were just making out seconds ago and Jungkook suddenly changed his emotions.

" Why Kook? Did I do something wrong?" Taehyung said and Jungkook sarcastically scoffed. " you really think I'm a fool don't you"

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