Chapter 11

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Louis came back from the other room, sitting on the couch next to Harry and placing the laptop he'd retrieved onto the coffee table in front of them. Harry glanced at it and then back up to Louis, furrowing his brows a little. "What, are there, like, videos on there of our wedding or something?"

Wedding. The word tasted foreign in his mouth. But then again, yesterday he'd been a sixteen year old kid who'd never found himself overly interested in girls and was too scared to even think about the boys from his school.

"Something like that," Louis mumbled, giving Harry a lopsided smile before turning serious again. "Alright, so, I figure I should just give you a very basic rundown and then let you ask questions. Okay?"

"Okay," Harry agreed, nodding slowly.

"Alright, so," Louis paused, giving a little sigh and running a hand through his hair. "We met at the X-Factor auditions. We kind of ran into each other in a bathroom and became friends, and then we got put together in a group with Zayn and two other boys."

Harry nodded again, thinking back to the picture of the five of them. He guessed the blonde man and the one who looked like Justin Timberlake were the other boys.

"We came third," Louis explained, looking off slightly to Harry's left like he was recalling the memories. "You named the band, we were called One Direction. Kind of expected it to fade away once the X-Factor finished but we kind of exploded. We put out a song and it just..."

He shook his head, laughing a little and reaching for the laptop. He opened it and pulled up youtube, typing in 'One Direction What Makes You Beautiful' and then just handing it to Harry.

The video opened to a beach and Harry was a little confused at first. He saw that the view counter was over ten million, and that number scared him a little as he focused back on the video. There were short scenes of himself walking along a beach with four other guys, and this version of himself he recognized. Shorter, more baby fat, curlier hair that swooped across his forehead to the right. He was wearing an outfit he wouldn't normally, though, and he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at it.

The boy walking next to him in stripes and red trousers was familiar and he frowned a little before glancing over at Louis and realizing that- oh. This blue eyed man was the boy in the video, and fuck he had been a twink. He could definitely imagine himself going for someone like that, and frankly he wasn't surprised in the least that he had apparently managed to marry him.

When a boy with curly hair to rival his own and deep brown eyes started singing, Harry covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Fuck, it was mindless pop and pretty boys jumping around and singing. No wonder it had so many views. His smile vanished when the camera cut to himself and he was singing, obviously autotuned because he wasn't that good. He was a little in disbelief because here he was, singing in a music video that had over ten million views, and he didn't remember a thing.

Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you.

He recognized Zayn in the video, though he looked more boyish and his hair wasn't as perfectly styled. He was clean shaven, too, and he just looked so much younger. Which would make sense because apparently this video was from ten or so years ago.

He couldn't help but notice that more often than not, he and Louis would be right next to each other. Whether they were standing and singing or running along the beach, they always tended to be closer to each other than the other boys.

Harry made a face when he saw himself singing and staring into some strange girl's eyes, and he glanced over to Louis who was watching fondly. "I've never liked girls," he said with a small frown.

"Try telling our old management that," Louis said with a shrug, gesturing back to the video. "Keep watching."

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