8- say don't go

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"Why'd you have to make me want you? Why'd you have to give me nothing back?"

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"Why'd you have to make me want you? Why'd you have to give me nothing back?"


present; narrative

Friends has always been a conflicting word for me. When I was younger all I wanted to do was make friends, even after talking to someone once I considered them my friend. As long as we didn't hate each other I considered us friends. As I got older friends became a closed off term, obviously I was outgoing and loved being social but very few people were my friends. My definition of friends is someone I can talk to without judgment, someone I want to spend my time with and someone who builds me up. Caitlin was always all of those things, even before we started dating I considered her my best friend but now calling her my friend just didn't feel right.

I didn't want to have to say that me and Caitlin were now friends but it was better than explaining the long in depth history we had so I had to settle with friends. The problem is I felt like I was betraying myself, Caitlin was no longer my definition of a friend. She broke me down and left me that way. I couldn't even pick up the pieces on my own, relying solely on other people to mend my broken heart. After you go through hell with a friend it's always going to be difficult going back to that place of trust.

Dakota was probably the least impressed when I called him to catch him up. Let's just say he was so unhappy that he hung up and didn't talk to me for a few days. As much as he tried to just seem like a protective older brother I knew a part of him would always love Caitlin. She was family to all of us and to him it was like another sister he always wanted. A sister that understood sports and laughed at all his dumb jokes. A part of him grieved the breakup with me, I lost my girlfriend but he lost his sister and I knew he still hadn't forgiven her for the pain she caused us both.

"Before you step foot in my car I want no word of Caitlin, understood?" Dakota screamed at me, rolling down the passenger window as I jogged to his car. For the first time since I moved back we had finally found time to hang out which consisted of him yelling at me before I even got in the car. Don't you just love siblings?

I grabbed the door, opening it and jumping into the passenger seat.

"She's not the devil Dakota." I tried to laugh it off, Caitlin and I had figured it out so now it was ok to talk about her.

"I don't care what she is but you've been talking about her for days straight and I don't like it."

Fuck off I have not. Had I seriously been talking about her nonstop? Is that why all the girls smirked when we passed Caitlin and her friends, slightly nudging me towards her.

I just kept quiet, leaving him to nod satisfied that he finally opened my eyes. I was falling for Caitlin's tricks way too fast and he knew it better than anyone. The only noise in the car was his aggressive rap music, yes a white boy from Iowa loved hardcore rap.

twenty two- Caitlin ClarkWhere stories live. Discover now