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( firstly I am warning there is gonna have some sexual activity and some sexual pics if you are uncomfortable please don't read after warning banner okk I hope you will enjoy it )


"ENOUGH!" I bark out.

I have had enough of being poked and fussed over by mindless pack doctors who think I don't know shit about my own body...

I healed ten minutes after the pack doctor got to my house and released all the fluid for fuck sake...

Sneaky fucking shifters..

To think they would hide a dagger laced with silverweed venom. Does nothing against killing me but it does slow motor functions, hence why I couldn't fucking move and it makes your wolf highly irritable...

Kane hasn't shut the fuck up Since.

"You are reckless, I wanted to go home to mate but you wouldn't heten!" Kane growls out...

"Be quiet!" I growl out louder and he huffs out but listens...

I get a mind-link from j-hope

"Alpha, Luna is in the building and he's incredibly pissed."..

I grumble out a thank you and then it hits me...

My mate's scent. His addictive scent that I am obsessed with, ever since he moved in with me it's like I'm constantly riding euphoria on his smell. How fucking creepy is that?..

But I don't give a fuck.
Then I had to fucking check the south border due to some suspicious activity and I got fucking jumped by shifters. They shifted into birds then suddenly I was on my ass with a fucking black silverweed dragged sticking out my chest...

Not before I ripped them all to shreds for daring to even challenge me then try to get away...

I wouldn't be so pissed off if it wasn't for yoongi...

He hasn't stopped asking questions since and I'm livid. I'm torn between keeping my secret hidden and protecting my fucking pack and my

My mate. Who is opening the
door, looking as beautiful as the first moment I first met him...


"Don't you dare!" he angrily tells out pointing at me...

I look at him and I realize how exhausted he is...

His eyes are tired and red, he was crying and his clothes are wrinkled and his hair is messy. Plus he's so fucking pissed at me that it's really turning me on, my little mate has grown more confident each passing day and I couldn't be more proud...

he's becoming himself around me and I fucking love it. he's becoming a Luna. Pacing around glaring at me...

"I can't believe you jungkook! How could you make YOUR men drag me out of OUR home last night! WHEN YOU Were BLEEDING MAY I SAY! Gosh I can't believe you, how
could you be so reckless! You infuriating big-headed stubborn wolf!" he screams out at me and lets out a frustrated loud sigh, refusing to look at me...

I let out a nervous laugh at how pissed he is. I bring him to me for a hug. I've missed my boy ...

"Shhhh." I whisper into his hair, smelling my boy and he sets me at constant ease...

"I'm so sorry for worrying you baby."

I kiss his head and Inhale his scent, I love it...

he snorts as he cries softly into his chest.

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