1. Deuxmoi

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I'm sitting on the kitchen counter watching Travis absolutely devour the sandwich I made him for his post-lunch lunch. He came home from practice and I had already made us pasta and a salad. He ate 75% of the pasta that was made. I could tell that he was still hungry, so I made him a sandwich. He offered to do it himself, but I love cooking for him.

"You full now?" I ask him as he finishes.

"Yes ma'am." He says, grabbing my hand. "Thank you for cooking."

I nod, "of course. I'm gonna make cookies now."

"Is this what one would call 'stress cooking'?"

"Who says I'm stressed."

"Me. You. Tree."

"Tree?" I ask him.

"Yes. She called me on the way home."

"Why? About what?"

"To tell me the three ways to calm my girlfriend down if she's stressing over anything press related."

"I'm not stressed, Travis."

"Honey. Baby. Sweetheart."

I shoot him a death stare, "I'm not."

"Taylor, it's okay to be upset about it."

"I know. But, I'm just not."

We're interrupted by my phone ringing with no other than Tree Paine's contact on it.

"Hey Tree."

"Hey girl. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. You called my boyfriend."

"I did. He needed some advice. You're hard to deal with when you're mad or stressed."

"Well, I'm neither of those things," I say rolling my eyes at Travis who mouthed liar.

"We have more to talk about."

"Yay." I say sarcastically.

"So... Deuxmoi is claiming that you and Joe had a secret marriage ceremony."

"Oh." It feels like my heart stops beating. "Ouch."

Joe refused to marry me. I'm over him. But that's the part that still hurts. I couldn't be what he wanted. I tried so hard. I stayed out of the spotlight. I hid our relationship. I ghosted so many of my friends.

   I feel Travis' hand slowly sit on my knee which brought me a sense of support.

  "That, uh."

   "God that makes me so mad, Taylor."

I feel a tear streaming down my face, "Well... that's absurd because Joe didn't want to marry me. Did they miss that or something?" I sniffle and Travis finally looks up to see me in complete disarray.

  He stands up to help me off the counter, and he engulfs me in a hug.

   "I know, Taylor. They're making things up."

    "Do you think they'll find out?"

Tree uncharacteristically says nothing which enhances my cries.

     "Taylor. Honey, don't you think it would be good for them to know, so they stop blaming you?"

      "No. Tree. He he's. I couldn't wish that on anyone. He's a cheater but h-he doesn't deserve the hell that they put me through." I say with my forehead against Travis' chest. He's holding my waist with his big and soft hands. He's my rock right now. If he wasn't here I'd be drinking already.

    "Okay. If I make a statement, your fans will probably get on board and cancel Deuxmoi. It should keep them quiet about you and Joe for a little while. Probably not about Travis though."

    "That's fine. He's an angel."

    "He's the easiest boyfriend you've ever had."

     "Awww thanks Tree." He says.

     "Oh I'm so glad you're there Travis. She'd probably be drunk by now."

      "Probably. We're working on saving our liver, aren't we sweet pea?" He jokes, kissing my forehead. He makes me smile momentarily.

       "That's good. I'm sure it needs to be saved," Tree says. "Anyways. I can make a statement about it being traumatic for you to hear about the relationship blah blah. Deny any ceremony. I think it'll cover up those pictures for a while. You're sure you don't want people to know what really happened?"

     "Yeah. I'm sure."

"Alright, T. I'll do it. I love you."

"I love you too Tree."

"Travis, keep an eye on her."

"Will do."

"Bye you two."

"Bye Tree." We say at the same time. I hang up the phone. Rage fills my body and I groan, throwing my phone over Travis' shoulder.

"Hey." He says calmly.

"FUCK!" I scream and try to get out of his arms.

"Hey!" He grans my wrists firmly to get my attention, but not to where it hurts.

"Baby, hey."

He looks into my eyes, and I break down into sobs, him holding me up. He picks me up and carries me to the couch where he sits down and holds me. Eventually I calm down and I'm able to tell him what I'm feeling. 

He holds me while I sob about my ex boyfriend, and his unreachable standards that sent me into a downward spiral because he refused to marry me, but refused to let me go.

   "I want to marry you, Taylor."

I sniffle before I smile, "I wanna marry you too Travy."

   "I'm serious. I'm with you, T. Forever. I want you to have my babies. I want to watch you succeed. I want to kiss you when you get an award. I want you to be on the field when I win. I want it all."

  I tear up again, but this time smiling, "I love you, Travis."

"I love you too, baby. So much," He says before kissing my forehead, "I know it sucks, but I'm always here. Me and you and our family and friends know the truth."

  I nod and cuddle into him, knowing that this is the man that I am going to marry. I am in love with Travis Kelce, and he better fucking like it.

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