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16 September 03:30am

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16 September 03:30am

now that's a first
i thought i'd never hear
you say bye
my phone died last night
Jiwoo 😏


you really need to fix your
sleep schedule first tho
also, ykw i give up YOU WIN
take the trophy


no way!
niki is a loser irl

lol and who could you be?

the loser's friend sadly

why do you have his
phone though???

kkon🤍 sent you a photo

kkon🤍 sent you a photo

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we were supposed to team up
but he betrayed me
and they're playing for too
long, i'm bored 😐

welp sucks to be him rn
but that's something
he would do, i can tell

so what are you guys?
i'm curious why he saved
your name with an 'uwu'?
that's def not niki 😵‍💫

idek what he looks like
it's a long story actually
too lazy to type 😗

not making sense to me
but okay 👋🏻
did i just leak his photo
to a stranger then?

not necessarily a stranger ig
he was trying to be all
mysterious and whatnot
so thanks lol

ahhhhh i get what you mean
people say he's mysterious
but he's actually the easiest to
read among our friends lol

you're actually better than him
i like how we're on the same side

why, thank you 😌
he's still oblivious to the
fact that his phone is missing

he surely sounds like a gamer
how does he even make time
for his studies ???

( Guess i have the upper hand now, Riki
Jiwoo smirked. )

he's the last person we should
be worried about honestly

why is that?

you could say he's one of the
top students in our senior year

senior year i see 😌
03:40pm | seen


"Bingo!" Jiwoo smiled like it was her
biggest achievement by far.


Jake seemed rather invested in texting,
he didn't notice his friend losing the game to Heeseung. Niki leaned back in his gaming chair and groaned, he looked over at Jake to make fun of him, only to notice that the phone in his friend's hand belonged to him.

"Jake!!!" he exclaimed, startling his friend before chasing him down the hallway.


Author's note 💌:
I love this trio so bad :') I keep watching their idol 1N2D episode over and over again, just for YUNKI! Their confused faces while playing the game is adorable!!!

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