- Pilot - Dinner -

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I've always loved trains.
It fact, if my career in theoretical physics hadn't worked out, my backup plan was to become a professional ticket taker or hobo
And when I figured out that trains allowed me to prove Newton's first law. An object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction,  unless acted upon by an unbalanced force, I felt like Neil Armstrong on the moon. Alone and Happy

"Shelly, dinner's ready!" A women's voice yelled out

I don't care how dim witted you are. Scientific principles have to make you smile. Of course, nobody I knew in East Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian physics. The only Newtons they cared about were Wayne and Fig.

" Sheldon, if you don't get in here, I'm gonna lick your toothbrush!" A younger voice called out

" Coming!" He rushed back into the house

That's my sister. And she's done it before.

" The hell were you doing out there?" George asked annoyed

" Language!" Mary says frowning at her husband

" What language? So?" He questions

" I was exploring dimensional kinematics" Sheldon answered back

" Admit it... He's adopted!" Georgie huffs

" Georgie!" A voice scolds

That's my other sister, Victoria or Tori, she's my other triplet to be exact

" How can I be adopted, when I have two twin sisters? Think, monkey, think." Sheldon argues back

" That's enough! No one's adopted." Mary says ending the conversation

" I wish I was!" Missy grumbles out loud

"That can still be arranged. Now let's pray." Mary reaches for George's hands

" A moment please." Tori mumbles as she and Sheldon fumbles on their mittens

George sighs exasperated

"Leave them be." Mary says

" They can hold hands with their family. It won't kill them." George argues

" We don't know that!" Tori argues back

"Georgie, did you wash your hands before dinner? Sheldon asks

"Or even this week?" He probes more

" None of your business!" Georgie answers annoyed, glaring at the two

" Hence the mittens!" Tori announces happily

" We're about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies, and bless the hands that prepared it." Mary prays

"Amen" All chorus

"How come we ain't got no tater tots?" Georgie grumbles

"I made tater tots last night." Mary sighs

"I'd take tater tots over mashed potatoes any day!" Georgie whined back

"Can we at least have tater tots tomorrow? He questions

"Just eat what mummy made you!" Tori adds

She was the daughter that loves mum, A LOT

It was family dinners like this that led me to adopt a mid-Atlantic accent
"Nobel prize winners ought not be orderin' tater tots"

" Everybody excited to start school Monday?" Mary asks her kids

"Super excited, starting a new school!" Tori answers giddily

"I am" Sheldon responses

"I guess so.." Missy answers not really caring

"Georgie?" Mary inquires

"Freshman year, that's a big deal." Smiling softly

"How can I be excited when they's gonna be in the same grade as me." Georgie puffs displeased

"Don't worry Georgie, I'm not planning on being in the ninth grade for very long" Sheldon answers

"Me either, I guess" Tori shrugs

"All I know is they're not in the same grade as me anymore and I am thrilled!" Missy smiles

" Good luck with your finger painting." Sheldon sneers

" And your coloring!" Tori grumbles

"You're gonna get your ass kicked in high school." Missy states smugly

"Hey, language!" Mary frowns

"We're not going to be assaulted. High school is a haven for higher learning!" Sheldons smiles back proudly

"Oh dear God" George sighs

"Speaking of God, who's going to church with me tomorrow?" Mary inquires looking around

"I'm free" Tori answers

"I can't, I'm meeting with the other coaches" George mumbles back

"You can't meet after church?" Mary frowns

"No, Mary, I can't meet after church." He sighs

"Georgie?" Mary turns around

" I got to study my playbook." Georgie smirked at his father

"I'll go with you mum" Sheldon answers

"Why are you going?" Missy asked

"Yea, you don't believe in God." Tori questions

"Well no, but you don't either and you're going but I believe in Mom!" Sheldon states

"I'll take it, Missy?' Mary answers happily

"Can't, Heather asked me to" Missy started

"You're goin'" Mary cuts her off

"Son of a bi#th." Missy grumbles

"Hey!" Mary reprimand

"Missy!" Tori glares at her twin

"Ow!" Missy huffed

"Guys!" Tori trying to catch their attention as they threw food at each other

"Missy....Don't you throw something at the dinner table George Jr" Mary growls

Jane Goodall had to go to Africa to study apes

"Hey!" Missy yelled

I just had to go to dinner

"Never at the dinner table! You knock that off, Georgie!" Mary trying to stop her kids

"Do not retaliate!"

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