-Pilot - Church -

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' Onward, Christian soldiers'

'Marching as to war'

'With the cross of Jesus'

'Going on before"

"In Matthew Nine, verse four, Jesus said, 'Why would you enter Ian evil thoughts in hearts?' Pastor Jeff prattles on

"Do you have evil thoughts?" Sheldon whispers quietly

"Shh!" Mary replies trying to listen to Pastor Jeff

"I just don't think this part applies to me." Sheldon said

"That's true most evil starts in puberty" Tori tunes in the conversation

"Yea, and I'm only nine years old" Sheldon answers confidently

The woman in front of them stared at the two weirdly

"Hello!" Sheldon and Tori whispered

"Philippians 4.8. Finally, brothers, whatever is" Pastors continues while Sheldon turns to Missy

"Do you have evil thoughts?" Sheldon asks his sister

"I'm having one right now." Missy replies smirking

"Really? What is it?" Sheldon inquires curiously

"When we get home, I'm gonna kick your little balls!" Missy answers sneakily

"You can't though. They probably haven't descended yet!" Tori joins the two

"Yes, you are correct." Sheldon answers back

"Mom?" Sheldon turns to Mary

"What" Mary asked

"When should I be expecting my testicles?" Sheldon wonders

".....whatever is admirable..." The pastor keeps doing the speech

"What's wrong with them." The lady in front turns around again

"Nothing, is wrong with us but what wrong with you and insulting people!" Tori says annoyed defending her family

"Now, turn around before I knock your lights out!" Mad, Mary threatens

"Think continually on these good things.

A good thought leads to a good thing

You feel it in your body

You feel it in your...." The pastor continues

My mother was my Christian soldier.

"Leads to evil things and sits there and...."

And for the record, they descended when I was 15, just like my sister predicted

Young Sheldon - TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now