The Hangman's Plague

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The Hangman's Plague

M. Sulejmanovic

© Copyright 2023 M. Sulejmanovic – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Chapter 1 - The Calm before the Storm

A virus has one simple goal, to reproduce. It is neither living nor dead and its sole purpose is to latch onto another host. It injects the host's eukaryotic cells with its genetic code, making more copies of itself but destroying the host's cell in the process. They have been around long before man even walked the Earth, so they know a thing or two about surviving. There comes a time when inside an ecosystem a certain life form becomes so dominant other life forms find it difficult to thrive under such circumstances. Homo Sapiens, an offshoot of the greater apes, has done just that. Under our relentless need to spread our influence, we have annihilated entire ecosystems, plunged the very climate of the Earth into a cycle of chaos, and we've directly and indirectly caused the extinction of more life forms than any being has done since the dawn of life on Earth.

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