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The location where they should meet his parents was in a cafe on the second floor.

He entered the cafe scanning the whole area until he spotted his mom waving at him while his dad was having his coffee in silence.

He invited Seungmin and Jeongin to sit with them and luckily his parents didn't mind.

Changbin:"hello mother,father, it has been a long time since we last gathered like this"

His father stayed silent while his mom did the same and asked about him.

Ms.Seo:"Changbin, how have you been doing the past years? is this your friends?"

Changbin:"I've been doing well, mother... thanks for asking and yes! those are my friends they decide to tag along"

He explained to their parents who nodded.

Jeongin:"why would you call your son after you resent him so many times?"

He doesn't understand why people like them resent an amazing son like Changbin.

Mr.Seo:"we want to borrow money from you"

Seungmin:"tch... and you call yourself parents"

The parents heard what Seungmin said and decided to ignore him.

Changbin:"I saw the news... the CEO of the company you work at turned out to be a criminal, why would you need the money for?"

The topic wasn't to his parents liking, they worked for Taewon for 7 years and just hearing that they've been working for a criminal is disgusting.

Ms.Seo:"to pay off a loan we borrowed"

She answered her son's question not believing she was asking him for help.

Changbin:"how much? And why"

Changbin didn't find why he shouldn't help his parents.

He dislikes them of course and he is satisfied in seeing them living in debt because his gang was the reason the company his parents worked for is under investigation by the police.

He gained what he sought out of revenge since he was a little toddler and he's hoping for his parents to apologize one day for being bad parents.

Mr.Seo:"100M won"

Ms.Seo:"we wanted to start a new project but Mr.Ryu was against our idea, so we borrowed a loan of 500M won last year but we failed our project, the loan sharks started to collect the money from us 4 months ago"

But Changbin thought again, and then apologizing would never happen because work was number one for them before him and always would be.

Jeongin:"it is amazing that you were capable of paying off 400M won debt in four months"

He sounds like he was mocking them and that made Ms.Seo get annoyed.

Ms.Seo:"that because they confiscated a lot of our things"

Mr.Seo:"now that the company is closed and we have no source to get the money from,The loan sharks are pressuring us to pay off the 100M won that we have left by the end of this month or there will be consequences"

Seungmin:"can I ask from whom you took your loan from?"

Ms.Seo:"we have his business card"

She gave him the business and when Seungmin read it, he froze in his place that caught Jeongin's attention.

Jeongin:"what wrong hyung?"

He puts his hand on top of his shoulder and shakes him a little to bring him back to reality. Seungmin then turned to Jeongin and said with wide eyes.

Seungmin:"it my father"

Everyone who was on the table was surprised by the coincidence, especially Changbin's parents who don't believe that they are sitting in front of his son.

Mr.Seo:"if he's your father then why don't you convince him to stop going after us"

What he said gets into Seungmin's nerves.

Seungmin:"sorry sir but I can't do that, because me and my father aren't on good terms"

Ms.Seo:"how are you gonna pay off our dept? You quit being a lawyer 2 months ago, didn't you?"

Jeongin:"you guys don't need to know how he would get the money, just be grateful he would do such a favor to you after you neglect him for so many years"

That pulled the trigger, Ms.Seo fells stings in her heart after hearing a stranger she barely know him telling her how a bad parent she was to Changbin, that made her look down ashamed of her past actions that went noticed by the father who pointed his finger at jeongin and start yelling at him for making his wife sad.

Mr.Seo:"ARE YOU MANNERLESS?! How dare you talk back to her where she was asking her son, DIDN'T YOUR PARENTS TEACH YOU HOW TO RESPECT YOUR ELDERS?!"

That hit the bullseye, Jeongin being an orphan and hearing such a lecture about parenting stuff made him let out tears.

He never experienced parents love and he lost his opportunity a long time ago.

Seungmin(under his mouth):"sheesh, they are the worst"

Changbin saw how Jeongin started looking down while sniffing and wiping his tears with his sleeves after his father yelled at him, So he stroked his back to comfort his little cute brother.

Changbin:"Innie~ look at me... don't let what he said affects you, okay? for me, you grow up to be an amazing person for someone without parents"

Jeongin:"shut up! don't mention that right now and in front of them..."

Changbin nodded and collected him by helping him get up from the table and walking him out of the cafe.

Ms.Seo:"Changbin! We're not done talking yet, where are you going?"

Seungmin who stayed last turned to them and said...

Seungmin:"I think we do Ms.Seo, i hope you both have a bad day"

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