Chapter 11

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"Zade, stop being so annoying," I threw a stress ball that was next to me at him when he stood in front of the TV

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"Zade, stop being so annoying," I threw a stress ball that was next to me at him when he stood in front of the TV.

"I'm literally just walking. In my house," Zade snapped, throwing himself on the couch next to me, "plus, haven't you seen this movie, like, a billion times before?"

"Pride and Prejudice never gets old, alright?" I rested my cheek on my hand, my eyes still on the small screen.

"They don't make movies anymore. Full stop."

"Don't remind me," I groaned, "these masterpieces need to come back."

"You've been watching everything you want since you came here yesterday, next movie is my choice," he rested his head on my shoulder, and I smacked his forehead lightly.

"You should be nice to me. Aunt Alia said I can do whatever I want."

"Well, you took the invitation so seriously. Emma, you finished my ice cream."

"Whatever. And no, I'm playing a movie of my choice next."

"Over my dead body. I'm tired of this," he pushed off of me, turning his body so he was facing me, "rock, paper, scissors."

"Really?" I rasied my eyebrows before rolling my eyes, "fine, but if I win, you'll shut up the entire movie."

"Yeah, sure," he fisted his hand, and I did the same. He won first round, I won the second, he won the third, "yes! Loser."

He wiggled his eyebrows snatching the remote from the table next to me, "no! You said after this movie—"

"Shut up—"

"You shut up—"

"Oh my god," Jett's voice grabbed both of our attention, my hands were gripping the sleeve of his hoodie, as his elbow was about to push me away from my stomach, "I left for one minute."

"Well, your cousin sucks."

"She's your cousin too," Jett gave him a confused look, "plus, we all know you're the jerk in this family."

"Hah!" i laughed taking the remote back from him when he was too busy glaring at Jett, "now leave."

"Whatever, your loss," he shrugged, getting up, "but I am coming back for my movie, Emma."

"All yours, buddy," I smiled, eyeing the TV again.

Jett's phone rang, grabbing my attention. It was seven now, I guess. When I woke up today, I called my dad because I felt bad about not calling him yesterday and said that I'm sorry for not telling them I'm coming here, because I didn't know I'll be here. After that I tried not to think of anything at all. The only person who knows why I'm really here was Jett, even Zade doesn't know. He'll go running to Kai to either scold him or understand what happened then scold him anyway.

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