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THE CRISP AUTUMN AIR WHIPPED and twisted around Alexis as she walked down the path to the Uley residence. The young girl smiled at the sound of the bird's song as she looked up at the sky, watching as different colors soared through the sky as the birds migrated north. The young girl's lips soon turned from a smile to a frown as she watched the birds suddenly change route.

. . . .

A scream echoed through the rich green forest making Sam's eyes widen. "What? What is it?" Emily asked as she stared at the man in front of her. How could she not hear that? Sam did even mutter a word as he took off in a sprint out the front door and into the woods.

He ran and ran, his mind racing with all the worst possibilities as he picked up on the scent of blood. As Sam entered a clearing he stopped, the sight in front of him was enough to make a grown man faint. There in front of him lay Alexis Young, her skin was pale, her clothes were torn, and there was blood leaking from her eyes.

Sam rushed forward, pulling the young girl into his lap as he collapsed. "Shit. You're going to be okay. It's gonna be okay." Sam didn't know if he was talking to the unconscious body of Alexis or himself. Sam easily pulled Alexis into his arms and took off in a sprint, pushing his body to the limit as he sprinted to the hospital.

. . . .

"What happened?" Emily Young ran into the hospital, panic clear in her eyes as she spotted Sam. The woman watched as Sam stood up and walked over.

"I don't know. All I know is that I found her in the woods practically in a pool of her own blood. And her eyes. Oh god, her eyes." Sam's voice shook as he sat down in a chair. He tried to convince himself that it wasn't his fault but his mind kept racing. He should have been with her. What kind of man lets his eleven year old daughter walk into the woods alone?

"Mr.Uley?" The parents' eyes snapped to the doctor who stood a few feet away from them. "Come with me." Sam and Emily quickly followed the doctor, who led them to one of the Emergency Ward Rooms. "Your daughter has suffered severe trauma to her eyes. Good news is she will be okay eventually," Emily sighed in relief as she wrapped an arm around Sam's waist. "The damage to her left eye will be able to be saved somewhat, her vision will be blurry. She will be able to make out shapes and colors but the trauma to her right eye is far beyond saving. She is lucky her eyes weren't taken out completely by the flock of birds."

"Birds?" Sam asked as he stared at the doctor. "No offense doctor but I don't think a stupid bird would be able to do that."

"Yes. A few birds couldn't have done that. But I am talking about a flock of birds, Mr.Uley. By the look of peck marks on her face and body, we're talking about dozens of birds. When you brought her in her hands had residue of bird seed on them. The birds must have smelt it or sensed it somehow and went to get it causing Alexis to get scared which-" Emily cut off the doctor knowing what he was about to say.

"Which caused her to fall back and the bird seeds got all over her..." Emily stated as she looked to the ground.

𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝘴. 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳₁        ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now