Author's note (please read)

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Hello, my beloved readers, loyal ones and new ones alike.

I'm glad to be bringing you all this story, now that Adored By The Alpha, my most successful story thus far is coming to an end.

You people have given me so much support, from when I first started publishing in 8th grade til now, where I'm in my second semester of my bachelor's.

To my new readers (and the old ones who might not quite have caught on to my vibe yet?): I am a lover of tropes, cliches, and retellings. Happy endings, fluffy love stories, good smut, and romance are all things I love to write. If you don't like fluff, get out cuz there's a lot of it.

Also, uh, I include lgbtqia+ characters. I believe that trans and nonbinary people are valid, and so are people on the asexuality spectrum, which is the category in which the protagonist of this story falls. So if you have a problem with that, please just vacate the premises instead of spreading your hateful bitter words in my comment sections.

I hope you all will enjoy the story, respect the fact that I'm a person with a life who can't update all the time, and leave your lovely comments!

Toodles!( And happy reading!)

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