12| Mind

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"Well well well if it isn't Mr.Amaryllis And is that the mystery Ms. Romano"

"Just hang on i'll get you out of here" he said as he put me behind him

"I told you idiots to get her"He screamed at them "Why do I always have to do everything myself"

I felt the back under my shirt to see if the scars open back up but winced when I touched it

Yep my back definitely open back up again now I have another problem to deal with

Now I know why my shirt was bloody it's from my the cuts on my back opening back up. My eyes widened.

"What do you want Heinrich" Alastair spat at him

Heinrich? Who is Heinrich and what does he want? Why are they pointing guns at us?

"Now is that anyway to talk to an old friend. B" He smirked
Alastair just glared at him

"Hello pretty girl" He turned his attention to me

"Don't talk to her" Alastair said as he pushed me more behind him Careful not to touch any where I could been shot.

He turned his attention back to Alastair and just smile at him.
It was a creepy smile one that hhh used to have whenever he would punish one of us.

"You really think the your men could outnumber my men" The Heinrich said as he stared at me

"Look around there's barely anyone here" He made a movement with his hand to show how empty the mall was now "no one here to stop me from getting what I want."

"We all know they're your fathers men you don't run them" Alastair said as the rest of our bodyguards were pointing their guns at Heinrich men.

"What do you want" Alastair said as he pushed me father back

"Well since you ask so nicely" He said sarcastically "my father seem to take a sudden interest in the girl behind you and he sent me to get her so just hand her over" he said

"Over my dead body" Alastair said
"Well that can be arranged" He smirked as he took his own gun out

No No No This can't be really happening. What does his father want with me. Why am I always the problem

"I'll go" I whispered to Alastair
I was taking back from his blunt response

"I have to he'll kill you" I said desperately "I can't let anyone else get hurt because of me please" I begged

He doesn't answer this time instead just kept his focus on Heinrich

"Sorry to interrupt this lovers fight but I'm afraid you don't have a choice." Heinrich said as he position his gun at Alastair

Suddenly Alastair grabbed my hand as multiple bombs went off and he was pulling me backwards

Their was smoke everywhere and I couldn't see anything of what was happening

Heinrich screamed "Finde sie" he said as multiple gunshots went off
(Find them)

I felt Alastair push me down as gunshots were going left and right but not once did he stop running

The more we ran the more the gun shoot sounds were fading

"Reign closed your eyes and keep them close!" Alastair said to  fr me

I listened to him and close my eyes tightly

I felt us stop. I still heard gunshots but they weren't that loud now

I heard a gunshot go off right and front of us and jumped

I still kept my eyes closed but I felt a wet substance touch my face

We started moving again and I heard a door open and suddenly felt the sun on my face

I felt someone hug me "I'm so glad you're ok" I open my eyes to see we're outside and the person hugging me was Antonio

I was still panicking I never been this close to death before and what did that guy want with me

"Reign, You're okay now" He pulled back from the one sided hug

"Reign do you hear me" I know I was looking at him but I couldn't hear him

"You have to calm down" he told me as he took his hand in mines "everything is ok" I didn't even realize my body was Shaking

I still hear gunshots. I just wanted to block it out.

"Let's go, we don't have a lot of time" I didn't realize Gianni was behind Antonio until he spoke

I didn't realize when I was put in the back of a car

I didn't realize when we got back home

I didn't realize when I was lead up to my room

I didn't realize when I was put into bed and my shoes were taking off

I saw someone come in my eye sight I saw their mouths moving but no words were coming out

I watch them get up turn off the lights and leave

I just really wanted to sleep right now so that's what I did

That was my last thought as I closed my eyes

. . . . .

I felt my head being pushed under the water again

"Please I'm sorry" I sobbed as I came back up begging for air

I didn't even know what I was doing wrong. I Just wanted this to be over with

"Stop going in" He said calm "how are supposed to learn not to do it again if you don't feel the punishment"

This was not a punishment but a lesson I had to learn

Mary told David about how I go into my mind to block out the pain

He wanted to see himself so he waited for me to do the littlest thing wrong so he can punish me

That's when it happened. I was doing the dishes for my day of cleaning. I accidentally hit my shoulder on a cabinet that was left open and the plate I had dropped and shattered.

I told them it was a accident multiple times but they didn't care and told me I needed to be punished

I had ten slashes for each of my arms. I know this is more then what I would usually get for a small punishment like this so I know they added more

By the eight slash on my right arm I couldn't handle the pain anymore

So when David saw this he dunked my head under the water and we had to start over the slashes every time

It was torture. I tried so hard not to do it but I couldn't handle the pain and since I couldn't block it out I just past out

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