𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Hello guys!

I hope all of you are doing well. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for reading this book. Almost a week back, we crossed 10k on this book, and I am utterly grateful for that. Thank you for your love and support!


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Third Person's POV

Later that evening, the gathering descended into an atmosphere filled with excitement and anticipation. The hall, situated in the center of the hotel, hummed with the familiar chatter of Arjun and Keerti's friends and cousins coming together. The bride and groom stood amidst the lively bunch, their eager voices carrying across the room.

"Hey, everyone," Keerti's voice rang out, drawing attention. "We've got an idea for the reception night, and we'd love for all of you to join us."

As anticipation crackled in the air, Keerti took charge, her eyes alight with excitement as she outlined the plan to their group. "We're putting together a dance performance. We have nine boys and nine girls, making it ten including Arjun and me. Here's the twist: each boy selects a chit from the pot, which will have the name of one of the girls. Those two will be dance partners for the reception. It's a simple couple dance. We'll practice a bit every day and then showcase our moves on the big night. What do you all think?"

A playful voice chimed in from the group, "Keerti, are you planning to make us background dancers for you and Arjun?"

Laughter echoed through the room.

Keerti chuckled along, her eyes sparkling. "Well, along those lines."

Another voice teased, "But Keerti, is this your way of punishing us for attending your wedding? We know you love dancing, but that doesn't mean you make us dance too."

"Come on, guys," Keerti cajoled, attempting to persuade them. "The steps are super easy, and I promise you'll enjoy it! Please, agree!"

The group eventually reached a consensus, though the agreement was a mixture of skepticism and enthusiasm. Parth, who was lingering at the back of the group, thought about withdrawing from the plan, deeming it utterly foolish.

However, his attention snagged when he heard Karthik speaking to someone, "It would be fun getting that Sharvi Kashyap's name on my chit. An absolute blast. Dancing with her, I am telling you, it would be something else entirely."

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