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Koa was sitting in the hospital wing of Snow's mansion. The rebels had successfully stormed the mansion and have taken it. She still hadn't seen Finnick. Was he still at Tigris's?

"Mrs. Odair, wonderful to formally meet you." Someone stood in the doorway, making Koa stand up. "I'm Commander Paylor."

"Nice to meet you." Koa shook her hand. "Where's my husband? Finnick?"

"I believe he's on his way here with Mr. Mellark." Paylor said. "There has been a request to see you."


"Mr. Snow."

"Ah, Koa. I see you're now an Odair." Snow smiled, holding a tissue in his hand. Spots of red were scattered along the tissue.

"What is it to you?" Koa spat, making Snow raise his eyebrows.

"I understand you're quite upset,-"

"Quite? Quite upset?" Koa laughed. "You almost killed Finnick and I. You killed Johanna and Rhosyn, you forced me to kill almost all the victors that lived. You-" Koa stopped herself and Snow began talking again.

"Yes, quite a shame isn't it." Snow stood up, walking the garden. Koa followed behind him. "I'm sorry it had to end this way. I trust you'll keep this between you and I."

"I don't keep things from Finnick."

"That's fine." Snow picked a white rose, admiring it. "How do you feel about... Alma Coin?"

"By the time she actually rules the country, you'll be dead." Koa said, and Snow smiled.

"You want her to rule?"

"It's not really up to me, is it?" Koa said. "Those choices were never up to us, the people in the districts. You power hungry people always step in to rule whenever you deem the country unfit to pick."

"You caught on." Snow smiled. "You were always smart, my favorite." Koa scoffed at his comment, and he handed her a rose. She hesitantly took it, looking at it.

"My time is almost up anyway, Mrs. Odair. However, do you know her true intentions?" Koa stayed silent. 

"Why am I here, Snow?" Koa asked. "What do you want with me?"

Snow turned to her. 

"I guess you're not one for small talk, you never were. I wanted to let you know that you're wrong about one thing." Snow said. 

"Wrong about what?"


"Rhosyn..?" Koa walked into a hospital room. 

Rhosyn flinched.

"She's still alive, Mrs. Odair."

"She?" Koa asked.

"There was a small girl my peacekeepers found in a garage, she was crying to herself, wandering aimlessly." Snow smiled. "I think you'd be happy to know I ordered for her not to be killed."

"Koa?" Her voice was damaged, cracky, and dry.

"Rho, oh my god." Koa ran to her, embracing her quickly in a hug.

"Where is she? What did you do?" Koa grabbed Snow's suit, holding him up. He put his hands in the air slightly.

"She was helpless, I did not want to be wasteful."

❝𝐒𝐄𝐀-𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍❞ FINNICK ODAIRWhere stories live. Discover now