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Aina's pov:

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Aina's pov:

Zain punched the guy on his face who hold my hand inappropriately without my concent... I tried to stop him but he was not listening to me at all but continuously beating them this is first time I'm seeing him this much angry his hand was bleeding I was constantly trying to come in the middle to stop him one of them tried to come near me but zain came and stand infront of me protecting me from all of them

he was alone enough for them because few of them were drunk since they were not able to handle him so suddenly they all circled him keeping him in the centre they were 5 he was 1 lonely fighting with them I tried asking for help to the persons pre...

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he was alone enough for them because few of them were drunk since they were not able to handle him so suddenly they all circled him keeping him in the centre they were 5 he was 1 lonely fighting with them I tried asking for help to the persons present in the club but no one was Daring to come in the middle of the fight my tears were shedding continuously as I'm helpless and can't do anything I tried calling zayan jiju , Faiza then Zahir,zaid Jiya I called of all them but no one picked the call god knows where they are ?  suddenly someone informed the club manager so he came to stop the fight but before that they broke two wine bottles on the back of zain's head as they cannot do anything to him from front the losers attacked from behind...the club manager called the cops and complained against them while I hold Zain who is sitting on the ground touching his bleeding head

"Zain are you okay?".. I asked to which he just nodded

"Zain let's go to the hospital get up "... I said trying to make him stand ...

Then I drove him to the nearby hospital the whole ride I tried to talk with  him so that he don't loose consciousness I told him to keep pressing the back of his head with a handkerchief to halt the blood clotting ...

After we reach to the hospital they bandaged his hand which was bleeding and he got two stitches behind his head because of glass wine bottles which they broke on his head ...then doctor put him on iv drip as he was feeling dizzy and told me that I can take him back after one drip....he was lying on bed when I went near him and sat beside his bed on a table...I'm assured that he is ok literally never in my life I got this much worried for any guy ...my tears were still not stopping seeing him like this because of me

my tears were still not stopping seeing him like this because of me

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