Chapter One

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The small house in the middle of village was in chaos, The whole family was sickly worries as they waited for their younger daughter to come home, The eldest daughter was pulling the strings of her loose dupatta with tears brimming in her eyes praying to God to not let anything bad happen to her younger sister and simultaneously her hand was holding the ten year old boy who was laid in her lap wide awake.

"Didi, Where is Ramya, Why she isn't home yet? Baba is so worried and Amma is so angry" The younger boy frown throwing his own doubts on his sister who look at him with helplessness and tears.

"She will be home Rishikesh, You try to sleep, it's past your bed time" She whispered softly, controlling the pool of tears in her eyes from falling down and scaring the younger boy.


"No but Rishi, Sleep" her voice was stern as she patted head of her younger brother who slowly started to give in and closed his eyes, minutes later his soft snores were heard and she slowly pulled herself away from her brother and went to her mother who was sobbing in a corner.

"Amma" She sat down beside her mother and placed her hand over her mother's shoulder who shifted away and glared her angrily "Amma" the tears she was trying so hard to control started to fall.

"Stay away from me Veena" Her mother shouted scaring the poor soul who jumped on her place and look at her mother with fear shining bright in her eyes "It's all because of you, It's all is happening because of you, If something will happen to Ramya I will kill you with my own bare hands, You disgrace" sad, no she didn't feel sad as it wasn't something new, pain, no She has gone through much worse than this and it was nothing as compare to that, Numb, It's what she felt looking at her mother, the same mother who has birthed her, the same mother who has loved her immensely is now blaming her for something in which she was a victim.

"What have I done Amma? What is my fault?" She asked "I am girl, I was raped, this is my fault?".

"I don't have answer for anything you ask nor I am interested into giving one, only if you would have hided your face behind veil and get married to that man nothing like this would have happened, Nor your Majesty would have beheaded him neither his family would have taken my younger daughter and give her same fate as yours" Her mother screamed raging in anger and stood up on her place followed by Veena who let out a soft laugh and shook her head in disbelief.

"You are the one who was so persistent on asking for justice Amma, You have taken me in courtroom beggin for justice....." Thud


Both sound simultaneously as her mother's hand met against her cheeks and the main door of the house opened but she was too shocked to even bother to look at the person who has entered.

"Amma...." and there come another hit on other side of her cheek.

"Why didn't you die that day? Why you came back here why? If you would have died nothing like this would have happened, My another daughter wouldn't have been in risk ..." Her mother shouted and pushed the shocked Veena down on floor who just stared at her mother with tears streaming down from her eyes, Never she has expected to see this day in her life, never she has thought that her own family, her own mother would say or do something like this with her.

"Amma" the sob was heard but it didn't came out from Veena, it has came out from the little girl draped in a big lose robe which belonged to the proud minister standing beside her who was watching the scene unfolding with disbelief in his eyes.

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