Chapter 121 - 123

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Chapter 121: Reversal of Public Discussion

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The power of public opinion was enormous.

Being intentionally stirred up behind the scenes, this matter had almost become widely known.

And Nan Yan’s reputation had hit rock bottom.

Countless people took it upon themselves to condemn her, some even crazily wanting to expose her whereabouts, sending her death threats and hate messages.

Unfortunately, An Muyao didn’t know where Nan Yan lived, so no one could disturb her.

The next day, with no response from Nan Yan to the multitude of internet users, they almost went mad, swearing to expose her.

They spontaneously gathered at Zhide High School, with journalists waiting, ready to pressure her into responding.

However, Nan Yan didn’t even come to school today.

In the eyes of the public, this appeared as Nan Yan’s guilty conscience, and she didn’t dare to come to school.

The netizens who felt like righteous crusaders gathered outside Zhide High School, vehemently demanding her expulsion.

Yet, despite shouting outside for a long time, no school officials came out to respond.

This angered the large group of netizens, so they turned their anger towards Zhide High School, accusing it of sheltering morally corrupt students.

Inside Zhide High School:

The principal and a few other school leaders were in the office.

“The impact caused by Nan Yan’s situation is enormous. The school’s reputation has been tarnished by her actions. I suggest that we expel her to quell the public’s anger.”

“For the sake of one student, it’s not worth ruining the school’s reputation. Even if she’s talented, her bad conduct would lead to rejections from reputable universities. Taking on this responsibility carries too much risk.”

“My opinion aligns with that…”

The school leaders provided a unified opinion on Nan Yan’s situation. The principal turned to the headmaster, “Xiao Xu, what’s your perspective?”

I believe in Nan Yan. She’s not a bad kid,” Headmaster Xu’s attitude was resolute, “She’s a student with great potential, and we need her for the upcoming computer competition.”

“But compared to the potential glory she might bring, the negative news she’s generating for the school is much more significant.”

The school leaders also had to consider the school’s responsibility.

Zhide high school was a prestigious high school, considered one of the best in the country.

Though it hadn’t produced a top scorer in the national college entrance exam, it had once produced a top scholar, which was already a source of pride.

They had more factors to consider.

If the entire school’s reputation was jeopardized due to Nan Yan, the losses would outweigh the gains.

“I understand your concerns, but Nan Yan promised a resolution within three days. She didn’t come to school today because she’s dealing with this matter,” Headmaster Xu explained.

“With just a day left, I hope you can trust Nan Yan and give her another day,” he pleaded, knowing that others were also acting in the school’s best interest. He had to do his best to convince them to spare Nan Yan.

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