Chapter Three

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Following our close call, Charles walked me home. It was the early hours of the morning by the time we had arrived at my apartment.

"That was a quite a first date" Charles said with a smirk. 

"First date? Hardly!" I said with a scoff. 

"Come on Cathrine! Lets go out, you and me. I'll show you the hidden sights of Whitechapel." Charles said with a tug of my arm.

"You must've hit your head Charles. Go home and rest, I'll see you in work in a few hours anyways. Goodnight" I said as opened my front door.

"I owe you one" He exclaimed as I locked my front door with a smile. Cathrine. You need to focus, ok? For all you know he could still be corrupt! Just a little more investigating before you run off with your feelings.

I go to my small bathroom and draw myself a warm bath to combat the chill from the rain.  After my bath, I try get a few hours of sleep but the last few hours swirled through mind. Before I knew it I had to get up to go to work.

I arrived at work and sat down at my desk to begin working when Whiteman started speaking to some fellow officers. 

"I know there are some rumors flying around about underhand goings-on in this department. Gentlemen, we're detectives," and with this I let out a cough. Charles paused what he was saying to look at me with a slight smile then continued his speech "We don't operate on conjecture. I will not stand for anyone slandering Inspector Farrell's good name until proven otherwise. He was one of us. He deserves our best. So let's get to work."

I tried not to giggle at the irony. Both Charles and I knew that Farrell was a spiteful old bastard who had it coming. The phone on Kathleen's desk began ringing and she picked it up. She turned in her chair looking for Charles.

"Charlie, call for you here" She said with a smile. Whiteman grabbed the phone and beckoned me over. I stood beside him and listened in on the call.

"Yeah, this is Whiteman" He said gruffly.

"Hello. We wanted the body. Not a murder investigation. You failed." Said the woman on the end of the phone. I give Charles a concerned look. What were these people capable of? Charles needed to explain soon.

"Don't have a conniption fit. You're in the clear. I'll cold case it." Charles says forcibly. 

"You'll destroy all police records immediately. By whatever means necessary." Gosh this woman is very demanding. 

"A cop's been killed, I can't just close it. That's not how it works. I need time. Hello?" Charles was getting very visibly annoyed now so I grabbed his forearm in an attempt to calm him down. He then looked deep into my eyes until the woman spoke again.

"You will honor our arrangement or suffer the consequences. Know you are loved, Sergeant Whiteman." The line then hangs up. 

"Suffer the consequences? Charles what is this organistation?" I say in a whisper.

"I don't know! All I know is they're loaded. They paid off my gambling debts and then I was in debt to them. They were saying I had to do as they asked and I wouldn't be killed. I mean every cloud has it's silver lining" He said with a shrug. 

"Ok well I best get back to work, I'll talk to you later Whiteman-" 

"I need to frame a man," Charles said firmly. "I want you to help me, you're already roped into this now and you're the only person I think I can trust here" 

I sighed. I can't believe this was happening. I now understand why my mother didn't want me to become a police officer.

"Fine then. I have someone in mind" I said glumly.

We drove in silence to Lee Cozens flat. I couldn't describe the feeling in the car. It was a mix of fear and necessity. I mean we had to do this, we didn't have a choice. 

"Lee Cozens is a right bastard. He raped and knifed a girl and was barely in prison for it. I was first on scene, beyond traumatic. He should've been locked up for life for it." I say while shaking my head. Charles took out his gun and inspected it.

"Right, I'm going in. You wait here." Whiteman says as he clambered out of the car.

"Not a hope Charles! I'm coming with." I say as I exit the car.

"You're so difficult." He says with an eye roll.

"I prefer headstrong" I say with a grin.



Thanks so much for all the support!! I'll be posting mainly during the week as thats when I have the most free time. Posts should be pretty frequent because Christmas break is coming up soon.

Thanks for reading!

Bound Together - Charles Whiteman x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang