Chapter Five: Merman and Journeys

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Winston was up early the next day to see Opheila before they would depart to the beast city.
He found that he could not stop thinking about her all night, she was enchanting and looked athim with nothing but a smile full of mischief but clear adoration, she did not look at him with disgust or loathing like the other females did.
What was even stranger was that her male Axel seemed to be her only male, and he had to wonder about his strength because he did not have any marks. Was he this legendary Pentra Mark he heard about in passing because if this was such a thing, then he needed to reach it to protect his mate, his Opheila.

He had hunted a large boar for Opheila and took it to the......tent? As she called it and cleared his throat when Axel popped his head out, then he gave Winston a look of appraisal, then at the boar before nodding his head and letting Winston in
Winston did not think he would fit in with the two of them, but the moment he stepped in, he froze.

It was bigger on the inside(get the reference), and Winston was in shock for a moment. He had never seen anything like before,it was large.
Almost the size of tiger castle inside the tent and just before he could stick his head outside to double check he heard a bell like laugh coming from his chosen female then he looked towards the laugh and saw his female looking at him with mischief in her eyes and a smile in his direction and all he could think was that she had been blessed by the beast god, he had not seen her without covering but she was even more enchanting, she had a perfect curved face with high cheek bones and eyes so green that he made him go weak at the knees.
Her smile was breathtaking, and her lips were pouting and pink, and he wondered for a moment if the rest of her was like this.

Opheila looked at Winston as he took everything in with Axel, looking at him with pity because he had the exact same reaction to the expandable tent that she had created in this world.
Then, just as he was about to move, she could not help but laugh at the situation, and he looked her way.
Opheila knew Winston was handsome, but he just seemed more so in that moment. She then noticed then animal.......boar was it? In this grip , she smiled more at the courting gift.
She was thrilled that he liked her, Axel had told her about the courting process, and that everything was relatively quick, but she would be picking.
She refused to take males for the sake of it, and he seemed relieved at that. He agreed with Winston as a choice and informed her of three other strong males in the area.
One in the sea and the other two in the forest but different directions, they would watch and see what they would do.

She walked towards Winston with a smile, which he returned before stopping in front of him, which seemed to make him go red slightly.

"Is this for me?"

"Yes, Fem....Opheila."

She could tell he corrected himself at her look, but she was thrilled.

"I accept, I would like us to court Winston to become my mate. Do you accept?"

Winston looked at Opheila in shock because he swore to protect her and love her even if he was only a guardian beast, but to be offered to become her mate, it was a dream come true.

"I accept."

Opheila smiled at Winston with joy before bringing his head down and kissing him, he was frozen for a moment before wrapping his arms around her and returning the kiss with vigor, it felt right like with Axel thrn world seemed to stop and everything was perfect.
Once they broke apart,Winston seemed to be in a daze, and Opheila just giggled before looking at Axel, who was pouting. Then she just waved him over before giving him a kiss from Winston arms.

Once she kissed her males because they were hers,she pulled away from them both. She had to get dressed. She looked at Axel and then nodded to Winston before leaving the males on their own.

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