[4]: daylight

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after the game, coach had us doing fitness drills for a week and to say I was tired was an understatement

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after the game, coach had us doing fitness drills for a week and to say I was tired was an understatement.

I was currently half asleep in sports photography, waiting for the last 5 minutes to end.

my teacher was talking about meaningless stuff that I wasn't to interested in, however I kept my head up watching her.

at the end of class she stopped to speak to me.

'hey ari, a team just opened up on the basketball media team, I was wondering if you'd full it ?' she smiled at me.

'yeah that would be great' I grinned.

'amazing, they have training tonight 7:30-8:30, be there with your camera'

'will do' I walked away.

my training ended at 7:15 and it was a 10 minute walk so I would make it there around 20 past.

the rest of my day was boring and it was finally time for football training.

'hey ari' jess waved me over.

'hey jess' I replied, standing with the girls who were passing in a circle.

i was put with the defenders today and we were doing slide tackling drills. perfect for a rainy day.

hopefully I don't get too muddy before basketball.


I ended up getting very muddy and had no time to get in the shower so I used wipes to get off as much as I could before setting off to bb.

I was wearing my white training kit with some cream crocs, a uconn hoodie over the top.

my thigh had a plaster stuck on it from a grass burn and I had my backpack on both shoulders.

my wet hair was in two french plaits, my baby hairs stuck to my face.

I saw my professor stood at the door as I walked through the car park so I made my way over.

'there you are, very muddy' she chuckled.

'I got off as much as I could' I shook my head smiling.

'come on, geno wants to meet you before practice anyway so it's good you a bit early' she pulled me in.

'hello, I'm geno I'm guessing your arianna' he greeted.

'yeah hi, nice to meet you' I shook his hand.

'most of the girls are on the court, I've already told them you will now be on the media team and a few said they know you' he nodded.

'yeah, I know some of them' I agreed, following him onto the court.

i took a seat on the bleachers, watching as the girls warmed up.

my professor, jane, was sat next to me and giving me tips as i held my camera in my hands.

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