Chapter 2 - Evening at the Oak Tree

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Sitting in the reception area of the Institute's Department of Engineering, I was quite anxious of my upcoming meeting with Air Commodore Roger Strangways, my former commanding officer.

He retired two years ago and had become the head of the Department of Engineering, and our conversation was likely to determine the course of my professional future.

The weight of the appointment felt a bit heavier, but there is a different kind of excitement beyond that. This evening, I am also looking forward to my "date" with Layla, a chance to reconnect and catch up with each other. As I sat there, anxiously waiting, I couldn't help but feel a blend of nervousness and excitement, unsure of what lay ahead but ready to face it head-on.

"Miss Arbor?" someone called, a voice that I am familiar with.

"Yes sir!" I replied automatically.

My former commanding officer, Roger Strangways stands in front of me. He's wearing a tan suit, without a tie. It was strange to see him not in his dress uniform.

"This is a civilian institute now, you can be at ease..." Strangways said as he smiled "...Let's go inside."

I sat on the chair in front of Strangways' desk, feeling respect but a speck of uneasiness for the man who had been my commanding officer. He extended a cup of tea toward me, a customary gesture for someone who has spent his youth in Britannica, but I politely declined.

"Thank you, sir, but I'm fine," I said with a small smile.

He chuckled softly, his eyes landing on the watch I wore, the same one he had given me at my master's degree graduation ceremony years ago. "Still wearing that watch, Arbor?" he asked with a tone of amusement.

I couldn't help but smiled a bit. "It's a cherished gift, sir. I've had it with me throughout my journey."

Strangways leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on me with a shade of pride and concern. "Arbor," he began, "I've read the reports about your deployment. It mentioned some injuries. Are you alright?"

"Yes, sir. But it's not an issue, sir." I nodded, grateful for his genuine concern.

He let out a sigh of relief but maintained his somber expression. "That's what I like to hear, but I must admit, I was worried about you."

I appreciated his words, but I knew he had more on his mind. "Thank you, sir. It was an unfortunate incident, but I am now ready to perform my duties on a different capacity."

Strangways nodded; his brow furrowed with concern. "It's good to see your sense of duty, but your health and well-being are also important, Arbor. Don't hesitate to seek support or accommodations if needed."

I reassured him with a determined nod. "I will, sir. And I appreciate your concern. It's good to be back."

His expression turned serious as he leaned forward, placing his hands on the desk.

"Well, Arbor, I believe you have already read the briefing I sent you. We could use someone with your experience here at the Institute. Here, your job won't just be teaching specialized classes like Avionics and Propulsion, but also the elementaries like Basic Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, and also some Chemical Engineering, since you're really into Propulsion.

Another thing, since you're still allowed to fly and retain your pilot's license, you'll also be responsible for shop classes, practical flight lessons, and air traffic control classes."

I nodded, absorbing the responsibilities ahead of me. "Understood, sir, and I'm honored to be part of the Institute."

As Strangways outlined the details of my role, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. We continued to discuss my future role at the Institute. Frankly, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Strangways' unwavering support.

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