chapter 11

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Jenna's POV:

Y/n's reaction when she found out she was laying on top of me was the best. Her face was red like a tomato and she was embarrassed for sure. I was kinda disappointed that she found out sooner since I was just getting really comfortable. Her warmth touch on me felt good. She quickly stood up as I scratched the back of my head.

"I'm so sorry, Jenna."

"It's fine, Y/n. I was actually getting quite comfortable with that position."
I whispered the last sentence hoping that she didn't hear it.


"Nothing." I sat up and yawned as she stood in front of me and started walking towards the bathroom.

"Just forget that even happened. I'm going to take a shower." She closed the door as I grabbed my phone checking if there was anyone who texted me.



Yo, bro. Kendra is acting like a bitch again.

She keeps looking for you.

She's completely wasted.

Come here before she bursts out.

I stared at the messages for a minute before quickly standing up and walking towards the door, not even bothering to call Y/n or anything. Fuck I completely forgot about Kendra. It's literally almost 10 in the fucking morning and I'm already dealing with shit. I ran towards my house and grabbed my car key and texted him before driving to his house.



Tell Kendra I'm coming.

After a few minutes I finally arrived at Keith's house before barging into his door. Keith immediately saw me and ran towards me before catching his breath.

"Kendra has gone mad. She's in the bedroom waiting for you. She doesn't wanna see me right now but she wants to see you. I already told her that your coming so she's probably waiting there. Be careful. She's drunk so speak carefully to her." I nodded as I walked upstairs and towards the bedroom.

I knocked on the door. "Kendra, are you there?" And with that she opened the door and grabbed my face, kissing it aggressively before dragging me inside and closing the door.

She pushed me onto her bed before getting on top of my lap. I noticed all the alcohol she had under her bed. She kept kissing me as she began to unbutton my blouse but I stopped her as soon as she did.

"What the hell, Kendra?"

"I miss you, Jenna." She then continued kissing my lips as she fully unbuttoned my blouse revealing my bra as she began caressing my stomache.

Her hand eventually slips its way under my jeans and started making circles around my clit making me gasp as she kissed down on my neck.

"K-Kendra.." I sighed as she continues to play with my clit. I broke up with Kendra almost three months ago when I found out she was hooking up many different guys while we were still in a relationship. Kendra couldn't move on and I trusted Keith to handle her since he was the only guy who could handle me before. Keith was the only guy who would comfort me when I wasn't in my best. I couldn't tell her I was with Y/n yesterday and I couldn't tell Y/n about Kendra either. This feels so wrong to be with Kendra but it's too late. I'm already half naked and her fingers are already inside her causing me to let out moans as she nibbles my neck. I tried pushing her away but I'm too weak and my breath becomes heavy as she fastens her fingers moving in and out of me.

She knows I'm near and sticks in two fingers inside me now as I bit my lip.

"Fuck." I said out loud as I finally came on her fingers. She then stucks out her wet hand and kisses me one more time.


Y/n's POV:

"Jenna?" I said looking around but found her nowhere. Where could she be? She was just here earlier and the moment I walk out of the bathroom she's gone. Maybe she just went somewhere and forgot to tell me. I thought to myself as I noticed her sweater was still on the couch. I grabbed her sweater and it smelled just like her. I grabbed my phone and decided to text her.



Hey, Jenna

Jst wanted to let u know u left ur sweater

U can get them later or tmr

And with that I went to the kitchen and started making scrambled eggs for breakfast. I couldn't help but wonder where Jenna went to. Maybe it was important. I thought to myself before I started eating my scrambled eggs. After a few minutes a text message then appeared on my phone. I quickly grabbed it thinking it was Jenna but I frowned when I found out it was only Noelle.



You better tell me what happened on your date w Jenna yesterday

It wasn't a date

How did you know we went out together???


I saw u two laughing together at the coffee shop yesterday and I didn't wanna interupt y'all's date

I told u it isn't a date

Whatever I'm coming to ur house

I then finished my plate. I put them in the sink as I heard Noelle barged into my door, again. She rushed into the kitchen and hugged me making me flinch a little.

"Noelle, I told you to stop breaking my door!" I yelled at her as she breaks the hug.

"It's not even broken yet."

"Whatever. Learn how to knock next time." She playfully rolls her eyes.

"Come on. Tell me what you two were talking about yesterday. I saw you two laughing and it made me curious."

"Well, you know. We just got to know each other."

"Right. Be more specific." I sighed as I began to explain what we were talking about. I told her we talked to each other, went to my house, and watched a movie together. Of course I couldn't tell her that I slept on her. Noelle only nodded and listened carefully to what I said.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. And she then went home." That was obviously a lie.

"So you didn't fuck?" I gasped.

"What? Of course not!"

"Damn. I expected more Y/n."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but were just friends! Nothing else." She giggled making me a bit confused.

"Alright. If you say so." She then grabbed a snack and went to the living room to watch a movie.


Help- this is my first time writing smut and I don't know if it's good or not.

Lmk what yall think of this chapter:3

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