4|I Hate Santo Valentino

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Emilia's POV

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Emilia's POV

As the slow song played, my father and I slowly rocked to the beat.

I couldn't help but take a glance at Santo who was surprisingly talking to some guest.

He was actually social?

"Papá?" I asked.


"Do I have to live with him?"

He stopped dancing for a second to look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Of course, you are married to him."

"But I heard some girls saying-"

He shook his head as he started to dance again.

"The only thing I regret with how I raised you is how dependent I made you be. I should've made you do things on your own but I wanted to make sure you had everything."


"You're 20 years old, Emilia. It is time for you to be independent. You're married now so you will live with your husband."

"But Santo-"

"Is your husband, who you will be living with," he finished my sentence.

I stayed quiet as I tried not to get upset.

Why was no one listening to what I had to say?

"You won't be seeing us regularly since Santo lives on the other side of the country, but we will always be a phone call away," he said as the song came to an end. "I love you, Emmy."

"I love you too, papá," I said as he kissed me on the forehead. 

He held my hand as we walked over to Santo.

As we approached him, he stood calmly as his dark eyes glued to mine.

When we were in front of him, dad let go of my hand. "Take care of her," he ordered.

"We'll see about that," he replied.

I could tell my father was struggling to contain his anger. "Santo, this is my daughter."

He sighed and nodded. "I will try," he said hesitantly which scared me.

Mom, Uncle Seb, and Bella walked to us.

"Take care, little one," Uncle Seb said as he hugged me tightly. I knew he loved me. He is like a second father to me.

Then Isbella hugged me. "If you ever need marriage advice, you can always call me."

I laughed. "I think I need a whole crash course."

I could hear her sniffles so I released from our hug. "Bella, are you crying?"

"Maybe?" she frowned as she hugged me again.

"Now you know how I felt when you abandoned me."

She pulled away and wiped her tears. "Yeah, it sucks."

Finally, there was my mom. She was the best mother I could asked for.

No matter how much I annoyed her or did stupid things, she never got mad at me.

She taught me how to dance even though I never became as talented as her.

She opened her arms and I immediately ran to hug her.

"Emilia," she cried as she held me tightly. "I am going to miss you annoying me."

"I am going to miss annoying you," I said as I hugged her tighter.

I don't want to let go.

"Your Uncle Haze and Aunt Eve are so sorry they couldn't make it. Eve went into labor," she said and I pulled away.

"Really?" I asked shocked. "Is she okay?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes, they had a baby girl. I'm flying to America tomorrow."

I smiled brightly. At least one good thing came out of today.

I stepped back and watched as my family gave me sad looks. If I stayed here any longer I knew that I would break down.

I turned to him. "I'm ready."

He gave a nod to my family before starting to walk away. I waved to them one last time before catching up to him.

Upon exiting the building, we were immediately met with a cold freeze.

I looked up and the sky was filled with twinkling stars. I smiled a bit as it had been a while since the sky was so brightly lit.

"Are you coming or what?" He asked and my smile instantly dropped.

I couldn't even enjoy the sky.

I lowered my gaze to glare at him but my eyes widened when I saw he was holding the door open for a shiny, black Rolls Royce.

He had good taste in cars.

He indicated for me to get in so I slowly walked over to the car.

Once my big dress was in, he closed the door and walked over to the driver's seat.

I watched as he started the engine. He must have seen me because he paused.

"What?" He asked.

I looked in front of me as he started driving.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised that the great Santo Valentino drives himself. You seem like the type to boss everyone around."

He turned to look at me before returning his attention to the road.

"Says the princess who had everything handed to her," he bitterly said.

I turned to him. "I didn't have everything handed to me."

He rolled his eyes. "Think whatever you want kid but I'm making it clear from now that you won't get your way with me."

I scoffed. "Kid? We're like the same age."

"I'm 26," he answered and I stayed quiet. "It's already bad enough that I have to marry you; don't act like a spoiled princess."

"Stop calling me," I ordered and he abruptly stopped the car.

My heart started beating faster as he turned to me.

"That's what you are; a spoiled princess who thinks she's entitled to everything."

"And you're some rude asshole who thinks he can act like that to everyone," I told him as my hands rolled into fists. "I don't like you."

He turned back to face the road and started driving again. "Oh yeah? Well, I'm not much of a fan of you either."

I immediately turned away from him and faced the window.

My fingernails dug so deep into my palm that one of my nails broke.

"Ah," I mumbled from the pain.

No one has ever managed to get me this riled up in my life before. I hate it.

I hate how easily he managed to get under my skin and make me lose my temper.

I hate all his rude comments and how he tries so hard not to reveal a single expression.

I hate the fact that he looks so good on the outside but is trash on the inside.

Most importantly, I hate how I know nothing about him, yet he knows about me.

I hate Santo Valentino.

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