Chapter One ~ Sophie

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Sophie entered her sister's apartment and immediately threw herself face down on the couch. She let out a prolonged "ugh" into the cushion.

"Sophie, you wake up my pups and I will murder you and make up an acceptable reason why. I'm the alpha, I can do that." It had been five years since her human sister, who wasn't really human, had awoken her wolf and mated the love of her life who also happened to be the alpha of her pack.

Sophie lifted and turned her head just enough so that she wouldn't be talking into the cushion anymore. "Nathan does it at all concern you that you're considering such a blatant misuse of power for one missed bed time?"

"You try having three pups under four," he grumbled. "You'd do anything for some quiet." Sophie laughed. Her nieces and nephew were handfuls. Nathan and Paige had had their first about a year after their mating ceremony and the twins came around less than a year after that. Their first was planned, the next two not so much.

"Darling if you're going to threaten our family right here in our home could you at least be a little more creative?" her sister said as she entered the room. "Murder is so blasé." She sat down on Nathan's lap and Sophie smiled at her sister. She was only ever like this with Nate and only around family. She was so relaxed and open, it made Sophie's heart warm with the happiness she felt for her sister. But just as fast as it came it was replaced with icy loneliness.

"You've become much more violent since getting your wolf. It's a weird look for you."

"I think it's sexy." Nathan said, pulling her in for a kiss.

Sophie rolled her eyes, "Ugh! It's been five years, don't you think it's time you give the lovey dovey newly mated shit a rest?"

"Never!" Nathan exclaimed, kissing Paige again on the cheek. Sophie was trying to joke off her irritation but Paige saw right through it.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

"Nothing, it's just exhausting watching you two all the time."

"I don't buy it. Time to spill. What happened?" Paige put on her protective older sister hat, "Wait, didn't you have a date tonight? With that warrior, what's his name? Braden? Brandon? Beauford?"


"Right. How'd that go?"

Sophie put her face back into the cushion and let out another 'ugh'. This time longer and deeper than before. "He asked me to be his chosen mate," she mumbled into the couch.

"I'm sorry he what?" Paige asked. Sophie lifted her head and told her again.

"He asked me to be his chosen mate. He said that I'm not getting any younger and that if I haven't found my mate by now I'll probably never find him and that I should just be chosen mates with him so I don't miss out on my precious fertile years."

"That dick!" Paige said at the same time Nathan asked, "Want me to beat him up for you?" Nathan had never had sisters and had taken to being quite protective of Sophie. For her part, Sophie loved having another protector around, not that she needed one or that she would ever admit it, but having people look out for her like this made her feel loved.

She wished she had a mate to add to that love. Like regular wolves, werewolves mate for life. The Moon Goddess paired each wolf with another wolf to spend their lives together, giving each other comfort and support and of course, love. It was an all encompassing love too. While each werewolf was complete and whole on their own, a soulmate added an extra element that made life more bearable. Another person to pick up the slack when you're too tired to keep going. Someone who complements you, who makes you stronger. It was something Sophie had yearned for since seeing just how happy her friends and family were in their relationships and how it made her relationship with them stronger. Their love overflowed and passed it on to her.

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