Chapter 23

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Early August 1654

It has been three months and five days since they set off to Launceston in Cornwall. This journey could have been much shorter if it wasn't for the numerous stops at villages and curing the victims of plague. Also Rosalynn's physical condition wasn't suited for such long way from North to the very South of England.

During the journey, all the three got used to each other, especially Rosalynn and Giovanni. Despite his initial dislike to Rosalynn, he acknowledged the value of having her as well as her herbal knowledge and skills around. What is more, he stopped obsessively look up to Doctor and gave him some more space. 

At first it was very hard for Giovanni to adjust to travelling with a woman and to preserve maximum of sterility. Although he did his best to be as much sterile as Doctor, he failed to do so and decided to keep similar level of sterility to Rosalynn. They both were taking off their masks when there was nobody around or when they were eating. 

Even now, the three were walking through the forest with Rosalynn and Giovanni without their masks and robes on. Instead, they were wearing usual clothes suitable for the summer weather and hot temperature. 

"Can we make a short stop, please?" Asked Rosalynn panting. She was dragging her luggage all the way by herself and due to the whole plague nurse suit packed there it was enormously heavy for such fragile girl she was.  

"Again?" Asked Giovanni irritated. "It just has been an hour since our last stop."

"I know but it's so hot today and besides, the forest is so refreshing." She was right, the forest trees were providing a perfect shelter from the scorching summer sun. Doctor looked around, sighed and nodded.

"Perhaps a short break will be beneficial to our physical condition." He put his bag down on the grass and stretched his back. Rosalynn carefully sat under one of the trees and tried to calm her breath. And Giovanni also put his bag down and sat next to Rosalynn offering her a dry meat he was given by the villagers from the last village they had visited. She smiled, took the meat and started chewing it slowly. Meanwhile Doctor left them alone and went deeper into the woods. Both Giovanni and Rosalynn knew that he also had to take his mask off so he wouldn't overheat himself. 

Once they had bet each other if Doctor really takes his mask off during summer when he is alone. They had managed to peak from behind the tree and had noticed that it was really true. Doctor had been sitting on the grass with his back to them and with his mask lying on the grass next to him. But it was only the mask that had been taken off. The special black material similar to bandage still remained on his head and neck covering his skin. He was wearing it instead of a scarf which was way too warm for summer temperatures.

This time was no different. They knew Doctor was getting some air and resting before the rest of the journey. Truth be told, very little has left before they reach the destination. Just as little as a half of the day. It was noon and the temperature was at its peak so no wonder Rosalynn asked for a stop and Doctor agreed. 

Soon they were ready to go and with Giovanni's help it was much easier for Rosalynn to carry her bag as he was holding one of the bag handles, and she was holding the other one. Doctor took out his water bag and poured its contents onto the material on his neck. It was an alternative way to cool himself down and to prevent from overheat.

As they were walking in silence, Rosalynn noticed that Giovanni was smiling to himself absentminded. She recalled the memory from the very moment of their setting off. They were standing in front of the inn when Arran, Jyne and Malie came to say their goodbyes to them. Of course Arran gave Rosalynn a huge hug and shook hands with Doctor and Giovanni. Malie also gave a hug to each person but her sister, however, definitely gave the most tender goodbye to Giovanni as she kissed his cheek.

"I know we won't meet again but please, remember me." Said Jyne back then smiling sadly with her eyes filled with tears. 

"I certainly will." Answered confused Giovanni after a long moment of silence and then they set off. Ever since Rosalynn was noticing when he was smiling and she knew Giovanni was recalling that moment in his memories. 

She turned her head towards Doctor and well, not much surprised she saw nothing, just the emotionless mask with a beak. When he felt her gaze upon him, Doctor looked at her and she quickly looked in another direction acting like she didn't look at him. 


Soon, fully covered wearing their Plague Doctors suits, they reached the first houses of Launceston as the doors were marked with white crosses. The little town didn't look much different than Castleton, similar grey-stone houses with white windows. However, the streets in Launceston were much tighter resulting in houses being closely located to each other. 

All the three looked at a damaged castle which was looking at people from upon the top of a steep hill. Rosalynn got chills from even looking at the huge dark shape on top of the hill, just as it was a predator lurking at its prey. 

They knocked to the first door which unfortunately remained closed. When they wanted to knock again, a passer-by told them that everyone who had lived in that house were dead and suggested them talking to the Town's Council. Having no other choice they went deeper into the town passing houses marked with crosses and looking at few people lying on the streets. One of them was asking for water reaching their hands towards Rosalynn. Doctor jostled the hand away with his cane and hurried his companions. 

"Do not interact with the sick until we talk to a person in charge of this town. Otherwise we will not be paid for our work." Even though it sounded cruel, Rosalynn and Giovanni knew he was right. They both were aware of Doctor's father's sad story and understood Doctor's choice.

At the Gothic building which rather resembled a church rather than a Town Hall they met the one who had sent the letter to Doctor. Edward Button greeted the guests and offered them a tea but they declined his offer and asked for more information concerning their stay. 

"We would like to learn more about the conditions of our work." Doctor explained slowly and the council nodded his head energetically. Rosalynn noticed Mr Button was a plump elegant man in his late thirties but his way of being was pretty cheerful and vigorous what gave a friendly impression of his person.

"Of course! Anything you need!" He said full of hope and relief, and told them exactly what he expects them to do. The task was simple as it was written in the letter, to cure the sick. Nothing more, nothing less. Mr Button located them in a three bedroom house in the town's centre and promised them a housemaid to look after the house and to cook for them. Giovanni was content in particular as he remembered the time they had to cook by themselves and how problematic it was. 

After Doctor and the Town Council agreed on the terms of the payment for their work and the date of the payment, Mr Button showed them the way to their temporary accommodation which wasn't that far from the Town Hall. 

All the three were more than happy to finally rest in soft beds rather than on the grass under the trees. Rosalynn insisted on sleeping in the room without the view on the debris of the castle. She didn't want to look at that terrible building. Giovanni located himself in the most distant room at the end of the hallway whereas Doctor chose the nearest room he reached which was in front of Rosalynn's room.

Right before going to sleep, Rosalynn decided to drink a glass of water. She didn't bring any candle as it was bright enough due to the moonlight that was shining through the windows.  When she went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water, she noticed a dark slender silhouette standing by the front door. She dropped the glass  she was holding out of her hand and started screaming. 


Author's note

Hello my dear readers! 
I'm coming back after a month-long break with new chapter and new story arc. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ;)

I'm also reminding you about typing some questions for February Q&A which will be published on 23th of February! You can ask about whatever you please, i.e. characters' preferences, their dreams, their families, etc. You can also ask me to write some short funny stories with my characters such as Christmas, Easter, or Halloween specials, or whatever comes to your mind ;) 

Take care my dears and stay in good health! See you around :D

~ Line

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