Ch. 3: Breaking the rules

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The infirmary sucked. Fortunately for me, not many days passed before I was released.

Xara came to tell me that I was free when I was about to die of boredom. Even in my uncle's mansion I had more things to do. It's not that I wasn't grateful to have left that horrible place but that didn't take away from the fact that I had gotten used to being constantly on the move. There was no such thing as rest for me and going from that to spending days lying in a bed was torture.

The blonde woman I had seen the day of the escape offered to show me my room. My new prison, at least until I was strong enough to start a new life on my own. Darla, that was her name, didn't say much along the way, I appreciated that, after all my desire to talk wasn't at its highest level that night.

We passed through several hallways after climbing the stairs. The place seemed like a maze, to the point that I was beginning to suspect that Darla wanted to confuse me to prevent me from breaking the rules. In a way I understood them, I was an intruder on their territory and they had to be careful.

At least they respected me enough to consider me a threat even in my shitty state. Though it was dumb to worry much about someone who could barely walk.

One hallway after another, all the same with black walls and small chandeliers. They only needed the creepy gargoyles to be a gothic mansion. Maybe the members of the rogues liked to look scary. In my opinion, they were trying too hard.

"This is your room," Darla said, pointing to the door. "The rest of the hallway is empty so no one should bother you. You have everything you need inside but if you are missing something you can let us know during the meals."

She opened the door and handed me the keys.

"Don't do anything crazy, we'll be watching you."

"Thanks," I said, faking a smile.

She frowned and turned to walk away. Well, apparently socializing wasn't her thing.

A gasp escaped from me when I stepped foot into the room. It was a huge jump from what I was used to, I went from having a single bed with almost no mattress and no windows, to a queen-sized bed and having giant windows that overlooked a beautiful garden.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. I was expecting them to give their almost prisoner the worst room they had, however, I had received a space worthy of the high ranks of a pack. The only thing that didn't surprise me was seeing more black, although at least it had some touches of red like the curtains and the padding.

After some exploring I discovered that it had a beautiful attached bathroom and that the large closet next to the bed was not empty. I don't know how they figured out my size but I had no complaints, it was a relief to have clean clothes to change into.

With my mind relaxed and body clean after taking a shower it was time to make some stupid plans.

Although they had made it clear to me that I could not move freely around the mansion, I had heard something during my time in the infirmary that made me decide to take the risk.

Xander, my uncle's beta, was captured by the rogues and they had him locked up in the dungeon. I would never have another opportunity as good as that one to force him to tell me what my family's plans for me were.

Plus there was something my uncle took from me that I wanted to get back.

Before he died, my father gave me the last memory he had of my mother: a necklace that was passed down from generation to generation and was made of moonstone. According to the beliefs of my pack, that necklace had the ability to increase the power of the wolf who wore it.

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