Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Gu Rong did not go to the police station immediately, but found a dessert shop and took it out first On the laptop, she logged into the email address that had only been used once. If the official was really prepared for the rebirth, then it was very likely that someone from the official side would contact her through this email. If not... she would Consider what the police department is going to say.

Thanks to Gu Rong still remembering the password at that time, she saw two emails after logging in. One was to thank her for her trust in the official and hope that she could cooperate with the official, saying that the official was also reborn. He also repeatedly promised that they would never do any human experiments, and also left several contact information. If Gu Rong wanted to, he could choose someone close to him to contact him.

The second letter is about some official notes about the end of the world, and the location of the safe base that the official is preparing to open after the end of the world.

The first letter is a sincere invitation to cooperate, and the second letter is to give an attitude. Even if the reborn person is unwilling to be exposed and cooperate with the official, the official has released goodwill.

Gu Rong read it carefully and wrote down all the contact information. She randomly selected a number and called. The call was quickly connected. The voice sounded like a very capable woman. .

After the other party finished speaking, Gu Rong said: "On the night of the 9th, I sent a group email at the Zhile Internet Cafe on Changshou Street. It was about the end of the world on the 20th."

Gu Rong interrupted her and said, "No special arrangements are needed. The less attention-grabbing I am now, the safer I will be."

The capable woman said: "Okay, I'll do it right away. Contact them over there and ask them..."

 Gu Rong put on his earphones, and while talking to a capable woman, he went to check out and put away the unfinished food in a natural manner. After packing the desserts, he dragged his suitcase out and said, "There is a public security bureau nearby. I will go there and wait for your people."

The capable woman confirmed again He asked: "Are you safe now? Do you want to move to a safer place?"

The person who spoke to Gu Rong was still the capable woman. After hearing the situation, Gu Rong said: "I understand." Although Qin Shaochen is also the captain of one of the action teams, he and Zhuang Yu are in the hospital at the moment. Naturally, another action team has taken over this task. 

They know that Qin Shaochen led people to investigate Gu Ying. But according to the intelligence from the logistics team, it was Gu Rong who was in trouble, and Gu Rong was the early warning person No. 88. They knew more than the logistics team. 

Most of the people in the rebel organization are now concentrated in Z City. At the same time, people from the logistics team also wanted to investigate the situation of following Gu Ying and the identity of the person who took Gu Ying away. 

After this investigation, it was discovered that a stranger had arrived in Gu Rong's community, and he and When people inquired about Gu Rong's situation, the people in the logistics team became even more panicked. While calling Gu Rong to ask her to hide herself, they also contacted the members of the action team in Z city and asked them to cooperate to protect Gu Rong first. The special departments specially established because of the apocalypse are also divided into many groups. 

For example, Qin Shaochen and the others are in the action group, and there are also capable women who stay by the computer and phone 24 hours a day waiting for rebirth. The logistics team contacted by the reporter received Gu Rong's call and learned about her current situation. They also acted quickly and arranged for the relevant personnel closest to Gu Rong to pick up Gu Rong and protect her. Compared with Gu Ying's good mood, Hao Chi He and Xu Yan looked very ugly. They could not find Gu Rong. No matter whether it was Gu Rong's original home on the third floor or the house he rented on the sixth floor, Gu Rong was nowhere to be seen. The two looked at each other in tacit understanding. At a glance, Hao Chi called Qin Shaochen, while Xu Yan asked people around him for clues, and asked Lin Hao to call the surrounding surveillance cameras to determine Gu Rong's situation. 

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