A open talk

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Hey everyone! 🌟

So, here's the deal - I've got six stories out there in the wild, and it feels like I'm sending messages in a bottle with no replies. 😅 Huge shoutout to the handful of you who dropped some love – you're my heroes.

But seriously, I'm here for a heart-to-heart, for the very first time. I want to know what you think about the stories. Are they hitting the right notes, or are they just hitting the snooze button on your excitement?

If you're secretly thinking, "Dude, stop, you're hurting the art of storytelling," I can take it. If you're nodding off midway through my tales and wish I'd just stop, I'm open to that too. Heck, if you want me to perform a disappearing act and pull my stories off the shelves, just say the word.

Let's make this thread a melting pot of ideas. Pour out your thoughts, suggestions, or even roast my writing if you must. I promise, no writer's ego will be harmed in the making of this conversation. 🤓✍️

#OpenTalk #StorytimeSOS

Without getting reply for this I'm not taking any of my stories forward, thank you in advance.

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