Chapter 002: The Enemies of Mankind - Part 1

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Headquarters of Humanoid Alliance, corridor of floor 15

Malina: "Hmpf!"

Zayn: "Malina, honey. Please stop whining about your lost fight. It was obvious that you would lose."

Zayn steps out of the portal he created with his power. He winks at his two female parasites as they giggle and disappear again. Malina struggled to control her emotions as Zayn spoke to her. She was still reeling from her defeat, and the thought if it all was difficult to handle after all Malina has a princess-like attitude. She gets in a bad mood and complains whenever things do not go her way. Zayn is now smiling, like he always is, not really bothering to help the whining puppeteer out. Malina tried to not let her tears out. They burned like droplets of fire, sliding down her skin before disappearing into her pink and frilly dress. She did not want to give Zayn the satisfaction of knowing the extent of the pain her defeat against Vajra has caused her.

Despite the sadness in Malina's eyes, Zayn had no pity for her. No, instead he even smiles like he always does. He did warn her about this confrontation before, but she had chosen to disregard his advice. His expression just screams him saying "I told you so" to Malina.

Malina: "Waaah—! I hate you so much! I don't wanna talk to you anymore! Where is Ace?! I wanna talk with Ace!"

Suddenly, the air filled with a mysterious presence. "The Magician" had joined the scene, shifting between various forms as he appeared. As he approached the two other Majors, he took on a more teasing mannerism towards Malina, but was softly mocking and playful with her. A white-gloved hand places itself on Malina's shoulder, a shiver running down her spine in surprise at the sudden warmth on her left shoulder.

Ace: "My apologies, Malina. I had to finish a game of Poker with General Iljin."

Zayn: "And how did it go? Did you win?"

But Zayn sighs in a disappointed way the moment the masked man shakes his head slightly, causing his long blond hair to sway left and right. Not that his answer was surprising, yet the Zayn did expect a better result of The Magician who is known for being in the casino the most.

Malina: "Who cares?! Ace, I gotta tell you what happened!!"

Malina whines as she grabs the sleeve of Ace, who helps her to stand up and calm down. It is clear that Malina does feel very close to the unknown identity even if she will be never able to know about his... or rather their real self. Not that anyone ever will...

Meanwhile Vajra and Xiaozhi were approaching the lower levels of the Alliance's headquarters. Though their plan to save Ra is highly dangerous, they both know what they are capable of. Nonetheless Vajra feels conflicted not only because her partner Xiaozhi is very careless and lighthearted but also because she is aware of something that is missing.

Vajra: "It would be a good idea to find my right eye as soon as possible. The diamonds I create are unstable and break into fragments."

Xiaozhi: "Yes, I noticed! But I did not want to make fun out of you, hahah!"

Vajra sighs. This mission definitely will be annoying one to deal with. But to her surprise the underlings of the alliance were no longer paying attention to them. The loud noises of the alarm and the red lights in the corridors are bothering the two, Vajra even covers her eyes. Then they listened to the speaker which was computer generated this time.

"Attention. Intruder on the last floor found! Elimination required immediately!"

Xiaozhi and Vajra look at each other. Yes, the two of them are intruders and they are also heading towards that floor yet they are not there yet. So it cannot be that they possibly mean them, right? Loud footsteps are heard as more people run towards Vajra, planning to attack her while the other large group is heading towards the lower floors.

Avaritia -This World Doesn't Belong To YouΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα