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Jisung:“CHAN-HYUNG!! You won't believe who I met earlier...”

He storms into the room very happy with the news he has and excited to tell his boss yet his hyung about it.

Chan kept looking at an excited happy Jisung then a sad guilty Minho.

He coughed then turned to Minho.

Chan:“sure then uhmm...Minho, can—can you step out of the room for a second?”

He looked at Minho who was still looking at Jisung with heart eyes, he then turned to Chan while his arms behind his back.

Minho:“yeah—I... I will go”

He said with a head low and as he turned around and about to go Jisung stopped him.

Jisung:“why are you ordering him to leave?”

He asked, Jisung doesn't want Minho to leave so he turned to Chan confused.

Chan:“aren't you guys—”

He couldn't understand the situation, he can't understand if both want to see each other or not, because that only would remind them of the argument or the fight they had.

Jisung:“It's between us... we are able to put our feelings aside while doing our job, right?”

Minho:“you're right...”

They made eye contact, drowning in each other's eyes, even if they were in a fight but their eyes said otherwise.

They are hungry for each other's attention.

Chan:“back to you, who did you meet?”

He decided to cut their eye contact and ask Jisung who he met today.

Jisung:“Mr.Bae, my dad used to be his superior and they work in the same team”

Chan widened his eyes not expecting that person is the one who Jisung met, while Minho stood confused.

Chan:“ohh I remember him, he helped my dad a lot of times and he was the only cop who fought beside my dad about your father's...”

He stopped talking not finishing the rest because he doesn't want to mention Jisung's father's death in front of him.

But Jisung only put on a sad smile.

Jisung:“it's okay, someone made me become strong enough to face that trauma”

He said that while looking at Minho who was looking back at him.

true that "time" was the first important thing for Jisung to move on his trauma but having his boyfriend by his side made him value his life without his father's presence.

Minho has a special place in Jisung's life.


He said to break their eye contact again, making Jisung flinch and turn his head to him again.

Jisung:“he gave me his number, but I don't know what I should do? That's why I came to ask for your opinion”

He gives the card he received from Mr.Bae to Chan who examines it from the front to the back.

Chan:“let's just tell him the truth”

He had no problem in telling someone who was very close to his father, and someone who didn't accept the way Jisung's father's case was handled.

And until this day, Mr.Bae sounds like he's interested behind Jisung's father's death.

Minho:“how can you trust him that easily? I don't think it is a good idea to tell him about the gang”

They understand why Minho isn't accepting the fact that both are okay for spreading the gang's secrets to a police officer.

It is something he never saw before when he was still a gang member at Bangtan.

Jisung:“Bae Ajussi is a friend, when he saw Mikey annoying me, he didn't get mad at me instead he trusted me to tell him the truth when I got the chance to”

Minho:“How is Mikey annoying you?”

He asked, the first time he heard about this about Jisung.

Chan:“Mikey actually has a crush on Jisung”

He answered Minho's question, and what he meant was that Mikey is following him around and bothering him because he likes him.

Minho:“WHAT?! why didn't you tell—”

He couldn't finish his sentence remembering that him and Jisung are in bad terms so he shut up and didn't ask more.

Jisung was happy that Minho still cared about him which made him smile that Minho noticed it and blushed as he turned his face away not making eye contact with Jisung who bit his lips and then focused his whole attention on Chan.

Jisung:“how about we convince him to meet us all, if he learned our back stories, he might understand our situations”

He suggests as Chan liked that idea and nodded his head and said.

Chan:“sounds good”

But still, Minho was not happy with their decision about telling someone about the gang.

Minho:“I'm against this, he's a cop... How could he be okay with dealing with gangsters like us?!”

He burst out of frustration still against the idea.

Jisung:“relax kitten, it's going to be okay...”

He said with a smirk which Minho blushed at the pet name almost got taken by it but soon he brought himself into reality, as much as he loves his boyfriend calling him by that but they are now on a break.

Minho:“don't call me that”

Jisung's smirk faded out and his lips turned into a straight line after, then he cursed.

Jisung:“s*it, why do I keep forgetting we're in bad terms”

He let out in a careless tone.

Minho(arguing):“why aren't you taking our disagreement too seriously?”

Jisung looked offended by what Minho just said right, because he isn't liking this disagreement when Minho isn't telling him anything.

Jisung(arguing):“how can I do that when I LOVE YOU SO MUCH?!!”

He yelled the last part which made Minho widened his eyes and there was another red hue appearing around his cheeks again.

But before Minho said something Chan cut him to stop the fight between them.

Chan:“GUYS—guys... how about we talk about this more in detail with the rest of the gang and hear their opinions”

Jisung and Minho looked at each other then at Chan and nodded, agreeing to his idea.

Chan let out a relief sigh proud of himself that he was able to calm his gang members.

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