Chapter Two

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The rest of the week was a blur for everyone. People started finding out that Lila and Dalton were Harper Ray's kids. Suddenly, everywhere they went people crowded around them.

"Can your mom sign my book?" Tara MacBeth asked them at lunch, after throwing a glare Ryens way.

"No." Lila said flatly and shoved her away.

"Lila," Carson hissed. "Are you trying to get suspended?"

She didn't bother to respond, instead she stabbed at her salad.

"And why do you always get a salad if you don't eat it?" Carson asked, determined to get her to crack.

As if to prove a point Lila grabbed a forkful of salad and shoved it all into her mouth.

"Better?" She asked through a mouthful of lettuce.

Carson doubled over in laughter and everyone at the table knew she had a thing for Lila. Once Carson had finished she looked at Lila and took in how poised she managed to look with salad falling out. She watched as Lila walked to the trash can and spit it out. When she came back she started laughing. And in that moment, Carson knew that Lila was the one for her. Her laugh was as beautiful as her, and Carson swore it sounded like bells ringing.

Dalton threw a pointed look in Carson's direction as if to say I told you so.

However, Carson wasn't dumb, she knew that girls like Lila would never go for a girl like her. It's not because she isn't pretty, but it's because she wasn't Lila's type.

"Can I talk to you?" Lila asked.

Carson nodded and followed Lila into an empty music room.

She watched as Lila took in the yellowed walls and faded papers. She suddenly felt embarrassed for the non-existent music program. The reason she lost her passion for music. Carson was seeing everything from Lila's eyes and she was scared to see herself.

"Hey," Lila said, breaking the silence. "I think I like you."

Carson gasped, but Lila continued before she could say anything. "It's cool if you don't feel the same, but I think that you are really pretty. I'm sorry, I'm not used to this, I've always been a loner. Trust me, I want to change that."

Carson walked over to Lila and held her in her arms. "I feel the same way." She whispered to her.

Carson spent the rest of the day with a huge smile plastered on her face. She was practically floating around everything, and when she saw Lila giving her secret glances she would flush a deep shade of red. She would notice all of the little details in herself that she hadn't seen before, all because of Lila. She saw the small cleft in her chin, and the way her dark eyes looked like melted honey in the right light. She finally felt free, something she hadn't felt since she was with Emmalee.

As soon as the day was over Carson ran to her truck and sped home. She didn't see Thomas out front, so she knocked on his door. She prayed he would answer soon because she felt like she would burst.

"Carson!" Thomas said, a look of surprise on his face. "What's up?"

"So, you know the new girl Lila, right?" Thomas nodded. "Well, she basically told me that she liked me."

"No way!" Thomas exclaimed. "Congrats, Car. She's so pretty, and I noticed she started to talk more. People aren't scared of her anymore."

Carson laughed and hugged Thomas, and Butter because she ran over.

At dinner Carson and her mother sat across the long mahogany table. Carson wished that her dad and brother would come back, but she knew it was impossible. Last year, they were in a terrible car crash. Carson and her mother were at the house getting everything prepared for Christmas when they got the call.

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