Chapter 16

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Chapter name- Love is in the air

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Chapter name- Love is in the air

At the Rajvansh Palace, Rudra was roaming in the balcony. He was very angry and wasn't able to control his anger. Anaya came there and got a little scared to see Rudra. Anaya slowly walked towards Rudra and hugged him from behind. Rudra held Anaya's hands whose hands were on his chest. " Anaya, please go otherwise you have to face my anger and you would not be able to take it." said Rudra, " I will take your anger." said Anaya.

Rudra turned towards Anaya. " Are you mad or what? " said Rudra, " But." said Anaya. Suddenly Rudra held Anaya's waist and pulled her closer. Anaya kept her hands on Rudra's shoulders. Suddenly they both started to have a passionate kiss. Rudra picked Anaya in his arms and walked inside the room. Rudra kept Anaya on the bed and moved back. Anaya looked at him. " Sleep Anaya." said Rudra and covered Anaya with the blanket.

Rudra wanted to leave but Anaya held his hand. Rudra looked at her. " Sleep here with me, please." said Anaya. Rudra smiled. He couldn't refuse the request of his beautiful wife. Then Rudra lay down on the bed. Anaya hugged Rudra with a smile on her face. Rudra smiled and then they both slept. Meanwhile, Kartik was standing on the backside of the Rajvansh palace. When the door opened and Kriti, wearing her night suit, came out.

Kartik was shocked to see her like this. Kriti came to him. Kartik had a smile on his face. " Why are you smiling? Am I looking like a joke to you?" said Kriti, " No but why are you wearing this?" asked Kartik. Kriti looked at her night suit. " Why? What is the problem with this?" said Kriti, " Okay, leave it. But you look beautiful in this." said Kartik, " How does it matter? You have to see me like this your whole life." said Kriti.

Kartik looked at Kriti and held her hand and pulled her waist. " What if I want to see you without these clothes?" said Kartik. Kriti pushed him. " Kartik." said Kriti. Kartik laughed. " Come." said Kartik and opened the door of the car. Kriti sat inside the car. Kartik closed the door of the car. Then he sat on the driving seat and took the car from there. Kriti looked at Kartik. " Where are we going?" asked Kriti.

Kartik smiled. " That I can't tell you. " said Kartik. Kriti made a face and show that she was very angry with Kartik. But can't take both the smile on his face when he saw Kriti is cute reaction. " Okay fine. " said Kartik. Kriti looked at Kartik. " So tell me? " asked Kriti, " Okay, first give me a kiss then I will tell you." said Kartik. Kriti was shocked. " Kartik." said Kriti and hit Kartik on his arm. Kartik laughed.

Then Kartik stopped his car outside the farmhouse. Kriti looked at the farmhouse and then looked at Kartik. " Farm house? " asked Kriti, " Yes. " replied Kartik. Kartik came down the car and then opened the door for Kriti. Kriti came down. Kartik held Kriti's hand and they both walked inside. The whole farmhouse was dark. Kartik looked at Kriti. " Close your eyes. " said Kartik. Kriti closed her eyes. Kartik went from there.

When Kriti heard no noise she opened her eyes. As soon as, Kriti opened her eyes, the light got on. Kriti looked down and saw a path made with the rose petals and candles. Kriti smiled. She walked on that path and came to the table. The table had rose petals, candlee, chocolates and cookies kept there. There was a note kept there. Kriti picked that note.

" Kriti, I have loved you since the very first day I saw you. I fell in love with the 18 years old Kriti. I still remember when you came inside the Rajvansh palace in that white gown with your hair flowing in the air. That was the first time my heart beat for someone. And when you passed through me. The perfume you used I still remember that. Now open that box. " said Kriti.

Kriti looked at the gift box kept on the table. Kriti kept the note down and then picked that box. She started to open the box and saw that there was a beautiful white gown kept there. There was another note kept there. Kriti picked the note. " Kriti, wear this gown. This gown is very precious for me. " sard Kriti. Kriti kept that note on the table and then went to the washroom. She wore that gown and came out. She came there and saw Kartik standing there in white shirt and black pants.

Kartik looked at Kriti. Kriti blushed. Kartik pressed the button of the speaker. The slow song started to play. Kartik walked towards Kriti and moved his hand towards Kriti. " Will you have a dance with me, Ms Rajvansh? " asked Kartik. Kriti smiled. " Yeah sure, Mr Mehra. " repliee Kriti and held Kartik's hand. Kartik held Kriti's waist. Kriti kept her hand on Kartik's shoulder. Kartik and Kriti started to dance.

After the dance, Kartik and Kriti came to the table. Kartik pulled the chair for Kriti. Kriti sat down. Then Kartik sat down in front of Kriti. Kriti looked at the food. Everything was her favorite. Kriti smiled and started to have the food. Kartik was looking at Kriti with a smile on his face. Kriti looked at him. " Come on, you also have it. " said Kriti, " You continue to have it. " said Kartik.

Kriti kept the spoon down. " Come on have it. " said Kriti. Kartik smiled and started to have the food. Kriti smiled and then she also continued to have the food. After having the food, Kartik and Kriti decided to leave for the Rajvansh palace. They both came out and sat in the car. Kartik then drove the car from there. Kriti looked at Kartik. " Kartik, this was the one of the best date of mine. " said Kriti. Kartik smiled.

" I know that. That why I wanted to make your first date very special. " said Kartik. Kartik and Kriti reached the Rajvansh palace. Kriti came down and went inside through the bacl door. Then Kartik took the car from there.

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