Chapter 3

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     Juliet walked in a daze, Chelsea is equally thrilled about this iconic meeting, so she was waiting in her cubicle.As she could not contain her curiosity, she pulled her to the corner to enquire about the meeting with 'The boss'.Both of them discussed the entire conversation but cannot solve the mystery.Juliet cannot sleep that night, the scene kept replaying in her mind.The purpose behind this meeting is still an unsolved puzzle that bugged her mind.After lots of tossing and turning, she slept for a few hours. She woke up little tired, washed up & left for the office without minding about having breakfast.

     Noah, her colleague, who was on leave yesterday, was discussing about the department meeting with Mr Smith. Noah asked Juliet for the notes and she started rummaging her bag for her notes, only then she realised her notes were missing. After few minutes of thinking she believed that the notes & files must have mixed up yesterday while she hit Chelsea and the notes must have landed on the file sent to the boss. She felt like the entire hall face palmed with her, she covered her face in embarrassment. "I screwed up big time".Chelsea pulled her away and asked her what's wrong.Julie explained "I was bored during the budget meeting so i was doodling a bikini model calculating, how these quarterly budget funds can be used for increasing the salary of the employees and it would help me going for lingerie shopping and a vacation to Miami Beach,I also scribbled a small personal budget for the trip. Shit, now I get it, he has seen my notes so he asked me all those irrelevant questions about my favourite lingerie brand,pay scale".

     Wish the ground opens up and swallows me else I would die of embarrassment. How am I gonna survive in this office like before, what would the boss be thinking about me, I told him that I would draw when I am bored, f*uck I dug my own grave, feel like slapping myself for being so stupid.

     Chelsea listened to my prattling quietly, because no one can save me from this shit l know. After a minute or two, Chelsea said "listen Julie, as i already said our boss is a considerate man for too many reasons, one, he did not fire you in the instant,two he did not reprimand you even,three he just warned you to send a double checked file without making it a big scene for being inattentive in a meeting".

     Once she listed out the reasons, I should have felt better but no, I felt even more embarrassed for being so irresponsible and sloppy at work, especially in the meeting.I always wanted to be attentive, organised and do justice to the role I take up from childhood. I had made it a habit to work with dedication, finishing up works on time, planning before hand would give a clarity & confidence. So being attentive is very normal for me from school days but how did i slip this time? I am not exactly a perfectionist but try to work better so no one finds fault in me.

     Chelsea convinced me that when I meet him the next time, I shall apologise and settle my heart by giving a closure to this issue.But when do I meet him, he is not Mr Smith, who is just a door away, you can walk in any time and discuss anything casually.He is like your favourite teacher, he is such a friendly boss unlike "The Henry Kingston, CEO of Kingston corporation". He looks casual but its kinda intimidating to be around him.

     All I could think was, I would have felt better if he had yelled at me, now that he just made it sound like 'sunday is a holiday' it eats my head up. But why didn't he shout at me? isn't it a big deal or is it me who is blowing this out of proportion? The whole way back home I was rehearsing what to say him if I meet him accidentally the next day.

     The next morning when i reached office, my mission to meet him was my top priority.I stopped by the parking lot where his car was parked, went around thinking ways to put a note somewhere that I'm sorry for being sloppy in the meeting and I would never repeat this ever.But gave up this idea, thinking it would be inappropriate.Tried sneaking into top floor to meet him with the hope that the code is still the same.To my utter disappointment, the code has been changed. All I am trying to do here is to clarify him that I am not a worthless employee because I love this job and it is an honour to be recruited after my internship.No one gets into Kingston corporation that easily, I don't want him to have a bad picture of me.At the end of the day I was too tired and sulking.Chelsea and Noah tried to cheer me up, but I cannot easily get this out of my mind.So they decided to take me out as it's Saturday.

What do you think about Julie? Is she wrong or overreacting?

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Spread Love,

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