
291 15 3

Word Count: 1051


You both breathed in some air

Yn: That was-

Yoongi: Awsome

You both giggled He held you closer and hugged you

Yoongi: Yn I am glad you are my first but.... I want you to be my last

Yn: Me too and I will

He smiled

He suddenly slapped your ass slightly

Yn: Yoon!!

You yelled

Yoongi: Okay okay i will stop

He said as he giggled

After a while he stood up and cleaned the both of you with a wet cloth

He then layed down beside you and pulled the duvet over the both of you

You scooted closer to him and placed your head on his chest

Yoongi: Does it hurt?

He asked worried

Yn: No it's fine

Yoongi: I love you princess

Yn: I love you too Yoon

You both then drifted off to sleep

Next Day-

You woke up when you felt some movement on your chest

You opened your eyes and rubbed it to get a clear vision

When you finally got a clear vision you saw Yoongi looking at your breasts

When you looked there you saw his one hand massaging your boobs

Yn: Yoon!!!

You whisper yelled

Yoongi: Hmm?

He looked at you

Yn: What are you doing?

Yoongi: Huh?

After a minute He realised and took back his hand

Yoongi: Ooh-h sor-ry

He giggled

Yoongi: You woke up? let's get a bath

Yn: Together?

Yoongi: Ofc do you think you will be able to walk?

Yn: Obviously

You said as you sat up on the bed covering yourself with the blanket and tried to stand up
Bang ( I don't really know if it sounds like this )

You fell down

Yoongi hurriedly stood up and took you in his arms

Yoongi: Does it hurt?

Yn: No I am fine

Yoongi: See I told you

He then laughed

Yoongi: It was funny when you fell

You pouted

Yn: Go away I will ask Mark for help

You say as you mentioned the classmate who Yoongi is jealous of

His happy eyes soon turned dark

Yoongi: Don't you even dare

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